Corporate Healthcare


Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

I am shaking in my shoes at how scary this is getting...

Specializes in Psych , Peds ,Nicu.
Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.


and wearing very stable shoes to hide the shaking.

Specializes in Psych , Peds ,Nicu.

Sorry not trying to be difficult , but what point are you trying to make about corporate Healthcare ?. From your contributions so far readers of your posts have no idea , what you view as being scary about corporate healthcare .If you hope for others to enter this discussion , you need to express yourself better .

Just trying to help

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

Word. Apologies, busy week with intention to delve deeper.

I guess I am referencing the big hospital scooping up littler community hospitals by "affiliating," the recruitment of outside consultants to implement "lean" models, scripted communication and other brain-washy types of thinking to promote the healthcare delivery as a something it is not, and therefore the deterioration of bedside nursing as a result and the increased burdening on families to provide essential care to inpatients....

I am having flashbacks to when I was a teenager working retail and my (new) boss (after having run the store for nearly a year) trying to get me to get customers to get interested in "add-ons" at the cash register.

Specializes in Psych , Peds ,Nicu.

I think this is in the line of what you are thinking of , it is the wholesale acceptance of the retailing of healthcare as part of the hospitality industry , where we care for clients / customers ( which is often the background of the gurus promoting this model )comfort ( as in bed linen , ruffled pillows and answering the phone / call bell promptly , without any consideration of why you were unable to answer them )rather than meeting the nursing care needs of our patients .

If I am to be a patient my primary consideration would be the clinical reputation of the facility , not how many channels I can get on the TV, or the response time for answering my page .

NB. I do not ignore the comfort needs of my PATIENTS , but on my list of priorities patient clinical nursing needs are much higher priority . The problem is that these nursing priorities don't fit into the mindset of those who creat patient satisfaction surveys and are harder to formulate into a short question for a survey and finally even if placed on a survey they would then be costlier to fix .

I'm glad someone finally put a name to this maddness we have been forced to be subjected to in our nursing careers. Healthcare needs to have the commercialism removed and get back to what the indusrty name states- healthcare/ patient/sick people. I would love to see the government take over all the healthcare facilities in this country- send the corporate CEO's and Nursing Executives packing.

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