COPD and hospice


Specializes in med surg.

My Dad has severe COPD and had an MI which has left him with a 15% EF.

Co- morbidities include: HTN, sleep apnea. CHF, COPD, would he be a hospice candidate?

Sounds like a very good possiblity. You can always ask the doctor about getting a referral. Make sure they give you a choice of hospice providers.

You can always have hospice come out and assess your father. get the information and then decide later. It is MUCH better if we get a a person into hospice early so we can build a relationship and help control symptoms early on.


Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

It sounds like a possiblity from the info given here. You'll need a referral from his doc and like Debblyn said, make sure you're given a CHOICE of hospice companies to choose from.

Sounds like it to me too. Ditto the above.

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