cont. Education for Canadian R.N,s registered in U.S.


Hi, can any Canadian registered Nurses advise on continnuing education for

keeping U.S. registration current. I have just passed NCLEX and not sure how to meet obligations.... thanks

Hi, can any Canadian registered Nurses advise on continnuing education for

keeping U.S. registration current. I have just passed NCLEX and not sure how to meet obligations.... thanks

-hello, it depends on which state board of nursing. usually they give you until your 1st renewal before they require you to have the full number of CEU's (cont. education units). check w/ your state board of nursing, they shuold have some info on their web site...

-there are plenty of places that will give you CEU's for a fee ofcourse. just make sure that those courses are accredited and recognized by your state board of nursing. your nursing board should have this info as well. good luck.

Hi, can any Canadian registered Nurses advise on continnuing education for

keeping U.S. registration current. I have just passed NCLEX and not sure how to meet obligations.... thanks

I like Anderson Continuing Education. They use good books and write good classes. But, make sure you check with your SBON because they all require certain hours, and not all hours can always be through correspondence - it depends on the state.

You can also take classes in Canada - for example ACLS, TNCC, etc. If in doubt, call the SBON.

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