Considering VMI


Specializes in Med/Surg, Peds, Newborns, OR, Quality.

I just siged up for my Vickie Milazzo Course in Atlanta which begins October 1st. I am very excited, but apprehensive at the same time. The course was so expensive. Therefore, I signed up for the basic course only with no apprenticeship. I live in the Middle Georgia area, but the market does not seem to be so great here. However, I'm less than two hours from Atlanta. There are many possibilities there! I really wanted to do the VIP course, but I worried whether the cost of the VIP really pay for itself in Georgia. I've always been excited about learning new things so I'm looking forward to the challenge either way. Does anyone know if the Institute will send the book before the conference so that I can begin studying? Thanks.

Specializes in Acute care, LTC, Home health Case Manage.

I am not sure if the institute will send your items prior to the class. I would like to think so..but you need to consult them. Yes, the course is expensive. You need to weigh your options and resources and decide what you feel is best for you. The institute also assists with loans. There are pros and cons to everything. There are several key factors you need to be aware of and accept if you are going to accept this challenge, but with determination, patience and tenacity, just to mention a few, you can do it. I chose some time ago to NOT renew my CLNC but simply operate as LNC. This came after consult with a highly successful and well known LNC who told me that is the route she also choose.I would be glad to chat off list via private messageif you so desire. Feel free to contact me via private message.

I look forward to communications.


Laura, RN, LNC

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I just siged up for my Vickie Milazzo Course in Atlanta which begins October 1st. I am very excited, but apprehensive at the same time. The course was so expensive. Therefore, I signed up for the basic course only with no apprenticeship. I live in the Middle Georgia area, but the market does not seem to be so great here. However, I'm less than two hours from Atlanta. There are many possibilities there! I really wanted to do the VIP course, but I worried whether the cost of the VIP really pay for itself in Georgia. I've always been excited about learning new things so I'm looking forward to the challenge either way. Does anyone know if the Institute will send the book before the conference so that I can begin studying? Thanks.

Hello and welcome to

So good to have you with us. I moved your single post to its own thread in the Legal Nursing forum for a better response.

Yes, the VMI will send you materials prior to the course. Many start studying long before the course in order to be familiar with the course material(s).

The basic level is really all you need, IMHO, for you receive the same basic education with all levels. The 2-day apprenticeship is good for marketing techniques, but you get a few with the course itself. You might decide later to do this or the 5-day apprenticeship course if you think you need formal assistance with marketing.

Remember that you are not bound to market in your immediate area. You can go outside your area and include other states as well. Most of my business comes from out of state.

Good luck with the course. Let us know how you do. If you have other questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to post here and/or send me a private message.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Peds, Newborns, OR, Quality.

I called the VMI today, and they said that they do not send out the material before the seminar. Maybe this is something new, but it is a bummer. I was looking forward to studying before I got to the seminar because there is so much information and so little time.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Sorry they changed that, lexus1920.

Yes, much information, but I am certain you will have plenty of time to study during that week. I did not have any pre-course study materials. Just be sure, once the day's course is finished, to set aside time to study the assignments, review the material of the day (the highlights) and try to study the pre-test questions in the back of the book.

I think you will manage just fine.

Good luck.

I attended the VMI in May. It may make a difference at what level you sign up for. I payed for the VIP and did get my materials prior to the course starting. I do know there are 3 levels. I reviewed part of the CDs prior to attending, but really don't think that made much of a difference. You just need to go over each days materials every evening and study for the next day. Plan on 2-3 hours every evening. You will be brain-dead by the end of the week - but doing the course this way, is the best way to go! Good luck

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Thanks for the clarification, sdaug90.

Congratulations on becoming CLNC.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Peds, Newborns, OR, Quality.

I called the VMI again a few days ago, and they confirmed that people who sign up for the VIP program will receive some items ahead of time because of the home study portion. However, under the basic program there is no benefit to receiving the workbook ahead of time because there is nothing to supplement it. Thanks for responding and providing clarification.

I attended the VMI in May. It may make a difference at what level you sign up for. I payed for the VIP and did get my materials prior to the course starting. I do know there are 3 levels. I reviewed part of the CDs prior to attending, but really don't think that made much of a difference. You just need to go over each days materials every evening and study for the next day. Plan on 2-3 hours every evening. You will be brain-dead by the end of the week - but doing the course this way, is the best way to go! Good luck
Specializes in Endo, Outpt Surgery, Hospice, LTC, MH,.

I am taking the Atlanta Course as well and have signed up for the VIP level. I have been reviewing the materials since May. See you there Lex! Good Luck!!!!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Good luck WaynesvilleRN and and lexus1920!!!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Peds, Newborns, OR, Quality.

Can NACLNC members legally use the logo that is provided on business cards, letterheads, and envelopes in the marketing launchbox at the apprenticeship without attending an apprenticeship? I know that they provide the logo for those attending the apprenticeship, but was not sure if all NACLNC had the same rights to the logo without attending the apprenticeships. Thanks.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

You may use the title, CLNC, after your name once you pass the post-course examination, not before.

To answer your question; all that pass the examination whether they attend the apprenticeship or not, may use the CLNC after their name. One does not have to attend any apprenticeship to use the CLNC.

I hope this is what you were asking.

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