considering nursing school at 45 yo

Nursing Students General Students


Has anyone else starting nursing school at the age of 45 or so? My youngest will be a senior in high school next year and my other two in college. I have waited a long time to go back to school. I wanted to know if others have gone back in mid life.

you can do, in my clinical group there are a few people over 40.

60 yr old man in our program

So I should go on welfare because my systems job went to India, or go work at Walmart for minimum wage?

In a certain context, yes.

At issue here is that nursing school admissions are a zero-sum game. There's only so many seats. Every one that's given to a 50-year-old who will spend 15-20 years at the bedside is one that doesn't go to a 20 year old who will spend 35-40.

There's only one way around this shortage (barring importing marginally-trained foreign nurses - a topic for another rant). We have to replace nurses faster than they are retiring.

I'm sorry your job went away. I don't want you to go on welfare, and Walmart is probably not your only option. However, ours is a profession in crisis - fixing that crisis comes, sadly, before your bills.

Pete Fitzpatrick


Writing from the Ninth Circle

Speaking from up here in Canada, the nursing shortage and "crisis" is simply because they chose to cut down seats in schools. The same goes for medicine. We are in a huge doctor shortage too up here. I think that closing doors to people because of their age is not a solution in solving this crisis. Older people who go into this profession come from many years of experience that younger people just don't have. They are a good asset to any career they choose to enter. Yes, they will retire sooner, but you can't look at that. It is so bad a situation we are in.You have to focus on what can you do NOW to get people into this profession. If older people want to try this, then I think it is great! All the power to them - and welcome!

In a certain context, yes.

At issue here is that nursing school admissions are a zero-sum game. There's only so many seats. Every one that's given to a 50-year-old who will spend 15-20 years at the bedside is one that doesn't go to a 20 year old who will spend 35-40.

There's only one way around this shortage (barring importing marginally-trained foreign nurses - a topic for another rant). We have to replace nurses faster than they are retiring.

I'm sorry your job went away. I don't want you to go on welfare, and Walmart is probably not your only option. However, ours is a profession in crisis - fixing that crisis comes, sadly, before your bills.

Pete Fitzpatrick


Writing from the Ninth Circle

I would disagree. There are thousands of nurses who have left the bedside because conditions are so hideous.

There is no nursing shortage. There is a shortage of employers willing to staff appropriately.

As a 48 year old who was just accepted into the RN program on my first try, I wonder how many of the 'younger' crowd are just plain bitter that they may have tried multiple times for admittance just to see a 'senior citizen' slide into a spot that they felt entitled too. Keep in mind all you 'youngins', most of us 'oldies' raised ya'll, committed our entire life to you, and now that we're fullfilling a life long dream doesn't mean that we're taking over the world or steal it out from under your feet. Relax, breath, and try a little harder to be compassionate people. Your future patients deserve that.

I just want to say what a tremendous inspiration you all are. Thank you all for replying to this thread. My husband's aunt finished her nursing program last spring at 53. I am finishing up pre-req's currently and will begin the nursing program next August at 32. Seeing posts like this from hardworking people who have pursued their dreams is inspriational to me and urges me forward. Thank you all! And congratulations!!:yeah:

I agree with all the posts! I am 37 and am just finishing up my first semester. I am not the oldest...okay, I am the second oldest. It doesn't matter. I felt intimidated at first but after i got to know all the peeps in my class most say I intimidated them. We are all in the same boat, we are just holding on to each other right now b/c we are at the end and finals are coming up. Go for it!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Medsurg.

Turtle, you can do it!! I don't have anything to add to all the wonderful contributions before me except that you are going to be 50 anyway, might as well be a 50 yr old NURSE!! Good luck, you will do great!

I am 40yrs old and starting school in Jan. I am scared to ,I know it will be hard . When you look at the "young ones" that had a 4.0 then drop to a 3.0 in nursing why would we not be worried , I hope that life has giving us a push. I do know that the school I am going to wil pick the older ones first as long as you pre-reqs are high. "WE CAN DO THIS!!!!"

I think its to our advantage that we're older. Our kids are grown or at least can function on their own for the most part so that's one less distraction. We've learned to multitask over the years. We have life experiences and nothing shocks us anymore. We've learned to take things in stride and not to sweat the small stuff. Oh, and we probably don't live on our cell phones/text message. I think we'll do just fine and good luck to everyone.

Specializes in nursing home,psych,chemical dependency.

:yeah:WooHoo ! To everyone! I am heading into my 3rd level of RN program,,and I see the "younger" students dropping like flies...they do not want to commit enough time and effort into the program as we older students....don't get me wrong now,,,I'm not saying "all" of the younger students,,,but on the average,,,I don't see the older crowd dropping out. Follow your dreams,,,and make a difference,,,even if it's only for 20 years or so...

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