Considering Nurse Management

Nurses General Nursing


Hello Nursing Cohorts!

I have been in nursing management before...dare I enter it again??? Won't some of you share the pros and cons? Can a nurse manager actually affect change in this HMO/PPO environment?


Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

Moved to General Nursing Discussion forum.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I've been "around" nursing management positions for years as part of the leadership team in CNS and staff development roles, but never took a straight management role.

My take on it is that it all depends on the quality of the organization. If you are woking for a good institution and have great support from upper-level management, then you can accomplish a lot. However, there is little you can do if you don't have that support. You also have little control over that aspect of your job. You either have the support or you don't (and need to leave that job.)

Good luck to you ... whatever you decide.


Thanks llg,

Your insight is absolutely correct and helps toward my decision.


Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

It would not be an easy decision for me to accept another middle-management position.

As stated above, really depends on the upper management/administration involved.

I know that I would be sure to be the one doing the interviewing about whether the position was right for me, rather than the other way around.

Good luck!

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