Published Oct 4, 2012
Berkley, RN BSN
5 Posts
Hi y'all,
I'm a brand new baby nurse and I recently had my first interview on a med/surg unit.
I feel as though the interview went well, and the NM called me the morning my license number was posted (she saw if before I did!) and asked me to come in and fill out some paper work. Well, I go in and she has me fill out background check paperwork and then proceeds to ask me which shift I would prefer to work and told me HR would call me in about a week to offer me the position. Well, here's where I'm confused, and slightly worried... I was looking on a job board and saw the exact position I applied for posted this morning. I am now worried that I'm not getting hired. Would it be okay if I were to call the NM and just "check" on the status of my background check(it's clean, I know). Or, am I over reacting a little bit.
49 Posts
A lot of times they have to post the job on the website per policy, but if you already filled it then you are probably okay!
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
Most places have a policy about jobs being posted for a certain length of time, especially if there is a union. I wouldn't worry about it.
Thank y'all! I guess I just have a case of new grad jitters, haha.