Published Jun 26, 2012
30 Posts
Had a interview on May 30th, went great. Was a 30min meet and greet panel interview. Got a call back on that Friday to follow-up with a 2nd interview on 6/5. Second interview was a panel interview with clinical scenarios. This felt good as well and was told I did a good job. Hinter that the next step was to either be hired or meet with the CNO.
Did not hear back so I called the admin assistant to the manager who had been my contact point for interview scheduling. Told her I was just following up and making sure I reiterated my desire for the position. She told me that they were just waiting for the CNO's approval.
No calls. Today I called the admin assistant again as the positions are now gone from the job board site. She says that she is not aware of the decisions that HR handles the calls of yes vs no. I called HR, and the answering HR person says that what I was told was not accurate that the hiring managers do that but that maybe I should talk with the recruiter to see. So I get forwarded to her voice mail and leave a message with the timeline of interviews and was just following-up since the jobs are cleared from the job board but no return call.
Any advice or thoughts. I was pretty confident in how well the interviews went and the department manager that was in both panel interviews was very upfront and upbeat in our interactions. So now I am anxious and completely confused. Do not want to be pushy but also need a bit of closure.
182 Posts
I just made a very similar post. I share your frustration. I would at LEAST like to be notified that the position was filled. To just leave someone hanging seems...wrong.
However, I guess this is how it goes now? Still haven't given up on this particular institution, but the process is frustrating when you need to get to work. It takes a lot of time and energy to apply for jobs (not to mention, not wanting to over burden your references).
It would be nice to be notified in a more timely manner...or at all.
Good luck!
Good luck to you! I will watch your posts to see how it works out for you.