confused first semester student


Just took my first health assessment exam and scored a 60% , need 75 to pass. There are only 2 exams in the whole semester. So my next exam is in May for the final exam. My exams make 50 percent of our grade. I'm very conflicted as I didn't expect to do this bad on a exam, especially on a exam I studied for. I never done this bad on exam, even I didn't study for . I honestly don't even know the questions I got wrong. Next week is exam review. I will have to have a 90 on the next exam in order to pass the class. Any advice? I'm feeling very discouraged.

Specializes in Emergency.

The first semester is always very tricky because you're learning how to think in a different way on these tests. Learn from your mistakes and just move on. Take practice tests that your books provide over and over until you learn how to read these questions and solve them the way they're wanting you to: NCLEX style.

Good luck!

I agree with Kuriin. If you have access, go to the website for the book (possibly a link in the inside cover) and do the practice exams online. Try to get used to answering by knowing the concepts and how to apply them.

I'm am in the first semester of my program and bombed a research test that I had studied for and knew the concepts. The test was not straightforward, which is what I expected, but more application of the concepts. That can take some getting used to.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.

There's one important secret to passing nursing school...

Never. Give. Up.

No matter how badly things look, just keep your head down and bully through. Take one moment at a time, don't worry about yesterday as much as Right Now. Go get some extra help now for the next test so you still have time to study for it.

My heart is with you. Half way through my second semester I am finally mastering the concept of multiple choice questions "select all that apply" and the others being primarily 1 possible answer is WRONG, the other three are right, you have to prioritize and determine which one is the MOST RIGHT. It's is kind of like the difference between Anatomy and Physiology - one you memorize and spit back out for a test, and the other you conceptualize until you understand the process. Nursing is like that - and you will really begin to understand that when you have a truly sick patient who needs that critical thinking to aptly manage their care. Yikes! everything is due at the same time - and you have to choose which one makes more sense for their physical and psychological well being.

Keep plugging - I know I was ready to quit several times because I was so discouraged, and I will probably experience that feeling again. Talk to your instructor, that goes a LONG way to resolve the issue. I bet they will help you in ways you could never imagine. Good luck, and learn from the mistakes you made during your exam review and ask questions until you understand!

Thanks guy for advice,I just got home from class and scored 100 percent on dosage on my first try which made me feel a little better. I have skills testings and fundamental test next week. So I will be back to let you know how that goes. I will also be speaking to my teacher and adviser in regards to the health assessment test, I will look over my exam to see where i went wrong and work for there. My next exam is the final so I have a long time to prepare for it.

So many I know have stories of "that" test. No matter the class, there is that one test that woke us each up to the fact that nursing school is its own animal. You're taking the right steps: reevaluating your approach, getting input from your academic leaders, and acknowledging your gains (100 on math competency - that rocks) even as you problem-solve. Trust yourself. You're on the right track.

P.S: I completely agree that one of the secrets of nursing school is: NEVER.give.up!

I am a first semester student also and it has been a constant roller coaster- Seems like every decent grade I get is then followed by some bad grade. I feel self-confident and capable one moment and then I'm a failure the next moment. I am working really hard on staying positive because I was so full of self doubt and anxiety last week, that I felt awful and couldn't focus on anything. I decided that when I get a bad grade I will figure out where I went wrong so I can avoid that kind of mistake in the future. Then I have to move on for the sake of my own mental health if nothing else.

You can do it, just put your nose to the grindstone and get an A on that next exam. You have the smarts- believe in yourself.

Just an update, I had to repeat first semester. I had to retake the class and received an A. I'm kinda happy I had to repeat, my knowledge and skills have greatly improved, even my instructors noted it. For those who have to repeat, keep on trying, you may cry, be angry an upset, but after that, start afresh, work hard and correct those mistakes that you made last time.

And for those who have to repeat, keep on persevering, about 60 percent of the class had to repeat, a little less than half came back. I'm just happy to be in nursing school and working very hard to achieve my goals. Please do not dwell on the past because it will drag you down, I use this setback as motivation.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
And for those who have to repeat, keep on persevering, about 60 percent of the class had to repeat, a little less than half came back. I'm just happy to be in nursing school and working very hard to achieve my goals. Please do not dwell on the past because it will drag you down, I use this setback as motivation.

((HUGS)) good for you!

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