Concordia Irvine 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone out there is going to be applying to Concordia Irvine's fall program for 2017?

Unfortunately I missed the application deadline for the summer program but plan to apply in May for the fall start date. I'm pretty upset with myself for missing the last deadline but trying to focus on moving forward instead of ruminating on my failure.

I have all prerequisites completed for CUI's program save chemistry due to their 5-year statute of limitations. I am taking chemistry for nursing majors this semester, despite having two full years of chemistry (general and organic) from my BS with A's.

I was a little frustrated that I had to re-take the class because I completed all other science prerequisites in 2016 with a 4.0, but you have to do what you have to do right! Ultimately I understand why they have the requirement though. And I like chemistry anyway, it's just hard because it takes so much time away from being able to work and save money for next year where I will hopefully be in a program somewhere.

For those of you who might already be in a CUI ABSN program or have completed the ABSN program at CUI, I'd also like to hear from you about your experiences. I am not Lutheran but I did go to a Lutheran high school and actually know a number of people who went to college at CUI for other majors. Thanks!

Had my interview today, so this cohort, they invited roughly 140 to interview, separated by 4 interview groups, and will be accepting roughly 64.

So I feel like the acceptance rate got a little bit more competitive. I feel like more people were invited to the interview which is great but acceptance rate from everyone they interview is about the same, if not harder I feel like.

Had my interview today, so this cohort, they invited roughly 140 to interview, separated by 4 interview groups, and will be accepting roughly 64.

So I feel like the acceptance rate got a little bit more competitive. I feel like more people were invited to the interview which is great but acceptance rate from everyone they interview is about the same, if not harder I feel like.

Yeah, I had my interview today as well and I can't speak for all the applicants but everyone in my group are really strong candidates :( it left me feeling a little discouraged... I think I did okay but definitely didn't feel like I did my best. Stumbled on the first question but the rest I do think I answered pretty confidently

I'm sure the both of you did fine! I have a feeling they interview the more qualified applicants first anyways. What I was told was to stand out with your answers since most people have similar answers.

The Interview was very interesting and tricky. I really enjoyed it.

So Henny said that August 7th the emails will be sent regardless of acceptance/waitlist/denial? Just wanted to confirm! Thanks everyone :)

So Henny said that August 7th the emails will be sent regardless of acceptance/waitlist/denial? Just wanted to confirm! Thanks everyone :)

I thought she said mailed not emailed?

So they'll be mailed out on the 7th?

So they'll be mailed out on the 7th?

Well it did have tentatively in it lol but yeah should be mailed out "by" the 7th. So hopefully there's a chance we get it sooner í ¾í´ží ¼í¿½

But someone said yesterday that the people that get accepted get both an email and the packet in the mail, and denials/waitlists get just letter in the mail. I'm not sure if that's 100% though since it was a fellow applicant who said that

But someone said yesterday that the people that get accepted get both an email and the packet in the mail, and denials/waitlists get just letter in the mail. I'm not sure if that's 100% though since it was a fellow applicant who said that

Hoping it's before too! Thanks for the clarification :)

I believe that's what she said but based on my experience interviewing in the spring the letters are sent out regular mail and you would only get an email if you were accepted.

So tentatively August 7th is when we will be receiving a paper mail regardless if you got in or not and only for those who are accepted get an email bc you have to pay a deposit and etc through the email is what I heard from my friend who got in last cohort.

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