College of Marin

U.S.A. California


Hey Everyone!

I applied to College of Marin's nursing program for Fall '13. Applicants should be notified somewhere between the middle and the end of April. So any minute now! Has anyone else applied here?

Good luck to you too, Imcat!! Keep us posted on where you get in. Oh, and are you planning to take the TEAS on the 9th??

Thanks CaliGirl! I took the TEAS last November so I submitted my scores to COM. I'm glad I don't have to take them because the testing date my letter stated is May 11th and I will be out of town that weekend.

Best of luck on the TEAS. You just have to pass, right? It is not too bad. I reviewed the ATI recommended study manual and got an advanced score. Taking the practice tests helped a lot.

Hey, Imcat! Did you get the email they just sent out saying if you were accepted or not?

I did get accepted! CaliGirl, did you decide whether or not you are going to accept COM?

Did you actually get the number 65 or a lower number? Hahah, seems so unlikely... I got 65 and I'm confused as to why I didn't get in.

I got 65. I called -------------------- last month to verify and she said that I as #65. You might want to call and check - that seems very strange that we would have the same #.

Congrats, Imcat!!!!!! That's so exciting! Are you taking the spot? As of right now, I am accepting! I still haven't heard from my first choice. I should be hearing in the next week or two. We have until the end of June to get everything turned in, so hopefully everything will be squared away by then.

Congrats again!! I wonder when orientation is?!

Hey CaliGirl! I struggled with the decision, but ultimately I decided to give up my spot :( I LOVE College of Marin and it was my #1 choice, but I decided to pursue another path than nursing. Kind of crazy after doing all the pre-reqs but I think getting in to school made me realize what a big life change it would be. I hope someone who has wanted to be a nurse their entire life gets my spot! Because I'm really rather sad about giving it up.

Did you hear from your #1 choice? Either way, you will end up in a great program and it will all work out how it is supposed to. Best of luck! And thanks for all your replies on this site - it really helped my sanity through the taxing process of waiting!

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