College Help

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay, so I want to get a BSN but I have no idea what i'm supposed to do. I'm in high school right now.

1)When applying to a college what program should they have so i can get my BSN?

2)I'm kinda confused about this but can you go straight from highschool to a BSN program or do you have to do something before that?(I know RN-BSN requires you to be an RN).

3)Most importantly I know people say you can a BSN in 4 years starting right after high school, how would I go about doing that?(what programs would i have to apply to, what should a college i apply to have?)

I really appreciate any help on clearing this up, thanks again.

My plan is apply to a few schools with BSN programs and if I don't get accepted to any I'll go to kingsbourough or queensbourough to get my Associates degree in nursing. Then just spend 2-3 years from there getting my BSN.

I don't have yahoo or AIM but,Thanks so much again for the help :)

Just remember all you can do for the CUNY schools is apply as liberal arts. You can get in and then not get accepted to the nursing program.

Just remember all you can do for the CUNY schools is apply as liberal arts. You can get in and then not get accepted to the nursing program.

What should I do If i don't get accepted into the nursing program? Is there any way to apply just for nursing?

What should I do If i don't get accepted into the nursing program? Is there any way to apply just for nursing?

No because there are classes you need to take first before you'll get in, unless your like the perfect student with perfect grades and a perfect SAT score, and even the it's rare. And then even if you get into the pre-nursing program doesn't mean you'll get a spot in the clinical section.

Honestly? I'll tell you what I tell everyone I know: stay far away from CUNY. I'm taking my pre-reqs for my aBSN right now in CUNY (my accelerated BSN I have a BS already) and seeing everything I've seen and I'm learning about how they do the nursing programs makes me not want to apply to a CUNY as my "safety" school.

What do you suggest I pick for as a safety school that has a RN or BSN program?

All programs are competitive. I don't know your grades, what your finances look like (can you afford a private school vs. CUNY/SUNY), etc. Your the one that knows that.

CUNY has to accept you as a student. If you apply you will get into at least one, even if it's one of the 2 year ones. I would apply to CUNY no matter what for that reason.

But if you can afford it and have the grades, I'd look at the SUNY (if you don't mind the commute or having to dorm, I'd say Stonybrook) or private as your top choices.

Thanks,if all else fails what should be my first priority if i don't get into a nursing program?

Hey there!

I graduated from high school last year, and now I am going into nursing school! By the end of my junior year, I decided to be a nurse, so I prepared myself with the right classes in high school.

I hope you're still young to take those AP and IB exams. The nursing prerequisites that you can take in high school as college credit via AP/IB exams are:

AP psychology

AP English (either or both)

AP Statistics

AP Chemistry

When I took AP exams and passed them, I was so happy to get a bulk my nursing prereqs out of the way. AP exams that are also helpful are US history, Government, Biology, foreign language, and others. They will help you so much by passing them.

Also, since you are fresh coming from high school, you can take CLEP exams too to test yourself out of some general classes in college. Use these exams to your advantage, especially AP tests.

Good luck!

Go to Kingsbourgh or Queensbourgh, take your pre-reqs and do well and then try applying again or get your ADN if you get into one of their programs.

Right now focus on getting the best grades you can get, but remember take the time to enjoy your senior year

Volunteer. Start now if you have the time, many of the hospitals have volunteer programs. When you apply be honest with them, that your looking to go to nursing school and want to get the most you can out of your volunteer experience.

Sounds good, thanks alot for the help :)

Okay, so I want to get a BSN but I have no idea what i'm supposed to do. I'm in high school right now.

1)When applying to a college what program should they have so i can get my BSN?

2)I'm kinda confused about this but can you go straight from highschool to a BSN program or do you have to do something before that?(I know RN-BSN requires you to be an RN).

3)Most importantly I know people say you can a BSN in 4 years starting right after high school, how would I go about doing that?(what programs would i have to apply to, what should a college i apply to have?)

I really appreciate any help on clearing this up, thanks again.

I'm a college freshman in a BSN program, so let me see if I can help you.

1) The college should have a BSN program, preferably direct entry. If you aren't familiar with what that means, it's that if you are accepted into the college, you're automatically accepted into the nursing program, you just have to pass the prerequisites. Programs that aren't direct entry require you to take the pre-nursing courses and then apply to the division of nursing, and you may or may not get in.

2) You can (and should) go straight from high school to a BSN program.

3) To get a BSN in 4 years starting right after high school, you need to attend a 4 year school with a BSN program. You can take the prereqs at a community college to save money and then apply to the nursing program at a school, but, as I said before, direct entry is much better. You should apply to colleges that you like that have nursing programs, direct entry if possible.

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