College of the Desert application for Fall 2014 Spring 2015

U.S.A. California


Has anyone applied to College of the Desert for the Fall 2015 / Spring 2015 application period for the ADN program? I'm curious as College of the Desert told me they had more than 400 applicants, and they didn't know how smoothly the selection process is going to go; now that there is only one application period per year, the TEAS should be taken before applying, and the implementation of the multicriteria screening and ranking process. I have applied 6 times - hopefully I get in this time :-)

Ok, thanks. I have to stay in the valley so I only applied to COD. I wanted to apply to CSUSB but they changed their requirements again.

I too only applied to COD - we have a lot riding on this! If you don't mind my asking, what were your points for the multi-criteria? A couple of us are trying to figure out the point spread. I've heard the majority of applicants had between 45-65, I have 55... it's all a toss up until we find out! Did you take your TEAS yet?

My total was 65 or 68 I cant remember. I took my TEAS and received a 90.

Congrats on your TEAS score and your points! I think you're in for sure!

Welcome to our very small forum. It's nice to know we aren't the only one's out here!!lol.


Does anyone know if we are being notified at the beginning or end of this month?? Thanks.

They don't know, so we really don't know.

I know there has to be more of us, or it wouldn't take so long to"review" our applications! Lol that was a bit snippy, but, I'm just so anxious to know! Happy waiting ;-)

I hope so. I heard the average was 45 pts. I'm not sure how accurate that is??

That would be great for those of us on this thread (hopefully)! Thank you for the info.

new update on website that saids still reviewing!!

new update on website that saids still reviewing!!

I hesitated when liking your comment, lol. At leased they didn't change the date to July ;-)

I'm waiting to find out too :) I have 56 points, so we'll see. Good luck and I hope we find out soon!

Called COD they said notices will be emailed this week!!

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