College of the Canyons ADN Spring 2021


Anyone else applying for Spring 2021 at COC?

Specializes in Phlebotomist.

Yes I did submit for Spring 2021.

On 8/11/2020 at 11:58 AM, navyflightdeck said:

Yes I did submit for Spring 2021.

How many points did you submit with? I'm still waiting on my evaluation to submit...

Hello! Submitted my app as well!

Specializes in Phlebotomist.

I’m not too sure. I think when I added them it was only low 60s.

I think the cut off is 70+ points for coc unless they get a low number of apps

25 minutes ago, motherofdragon29 said:

I think the cut off is 70+ points for coc unless they get a low number of apps

Thanks for sharing! I currently have 47 points before TEAS I believe so hopefully I do well, how are your points?

I'm in the 40's but haven't taken the TEAS yet... I'm hoping they send me an invite to take it. 47 points is awesome!

Specializes in Phlebotomist.

Yeah I did add in my TEAS which I got an 80. I guess we will see if the 70 cut off will lower or not based off apps.

Has anyone heard anything from them yet about being invited to take the TEAS or sending TEAS scores? I know we’re supposed to hear something between the 15th and 30th of this month. 

I haven't heard anything ?

Specializes in Phlebotomist.

Nothing yet. I emailed to see an update. I need to send my score in. 

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