College Algebra Tarrant County College


I have seen a poster stating that Tarrant County College now requires College Algebra as a this correct? I have looked on the website and I don't see this. I know that a math competence test or course has to be passed...but I don't know if Algebra is required. Does anyone know the answer? Thanks for your feedback!:loveya:

Here is what I got from TCC's website.

CHEM 1406, BIOL 2401, and mathematical competency are prerequisites for RNSG 1513, Foundations of Nursing Practice. Satisfaction of the mathematical competency may be met by completion of MATH 0304, completion of a college-level mathematics course, or by a placement test score of a minimum level of elementary algebra.

A specific course it not required just competency. Unless they have changed it and have not changed it on the web page.

I would suggest calling the nursing department to verify it.

Good Luck, Sandy

CHEM 1406, BIOL 2401, and mathematical competency are prerequisites for RNSG 1513, Foundations for Nursing Practice. Satisfaction of the mathematical competency may be met by completion of MATH 1314, completion of a college-level mathematics course, or by a placement test score of a minimum level of elementary algebra.

Go to the TCC web site and follow the links to Academic Div. & Depts > Nursing (under South campus) > Prospective Student > Information Packet. You will find that the current information is posted there. According to the TCC web site, College Algebra will be required for the math competency unless you can test out of it.

Thank you, I did not think about checking there.


Hey everyone!

I am about to start TCC's Nursing Program next week and I remember Bev, department Sect., talking about college alegbra being a pre-req in the FUTURE and that we didn't need to worry about it since it wouldn't affect our class.

So here's my advice, it probably wouldn't hurt to have it completed, esp is you plan to continue for BSN, but otherwise I wouldn't consider it a pre-req until OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE APPLICATION PACKET and/or ON TCC'S NURSING WEBSITE.

Ok, thanks! Keep us posted on your adventures in nursing school! congrats!

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