CNA Training in LOS ANGELES area???

U.S.A. California


Hello, can anyone advise me on a CNA training facility in Los Angeles???I am going to start my prereqs for nursing in a month, and would like to 'get my feet wet' with a job in the field asap...thanks, and have a GREAT DAY!!! :p

compared to red cross the cheapest i found is at el camino cc. the cost is about $300- less than other courses around. after purchasing textbook, livescan, immunizations....the couse is approx. $500.00 for the eight week class. next session starts end of august!

Specializes in Med Assistant, EMT and CNA.
compared to red cross the cheapest i found is at el camino cc. the cost is about $300- less than other courses around. after purchasing textbook, livescan, immunizations....the couse is approx. $500.00 for the eight week class. next session starts end of august!

If you are willing to do a 20 week program that only cost $45.00 to enroll plus the cost of uniforms and your texbook then try Harbor Occupational Center in San Pedro, CA. I graduated from there and it is a great program with a wonderful nursing facility to do your clinicals at. I have been to other programs clinical and they sucked. you do your clinical at the Little Company of Mary Pavillion in San Pedro and we loved the staff and they care they have for their residents and it was fun to work with them

Los Angeles City College also has a program.

I am once again going to mention the ROP. I am an ROP advocate and think that the education you'll get there is top of the line. I know the ROP in my area offers both long term CNA training as well as Acute Care CNA training.....

Look into it... it will save you a TON of money!!!'

Check out the ROP in the local school districts in you area. I paid for only books and testing. All told at about $200 total for a 4 month class.

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