CNA status


Hi there

I know this is off topic and I am really sorry, I was just wondering if there was anyone that could help me at all.

March 2000 I had the privelage of earning my CNA and working in pediatrics. It was the greatest joy of my life and I am sad that I gave it up so easily. At the time me and my boyfriend broke up and I thought we were going to get married and live happily ever after. He was living in Florida and I was using my calling card to call him while I was at work and talk to him while I was finishing my charting for the day. I was warned and my heart just would not stop so I was let go.

Today I am married with two children and as happy as ever and I can not imagine how stupid I was and wish I would have never given it up so easily. I would love to go back to the company and work again but b/c I was involuntarily discharged I am ineliglbe for rehire until I submit a rehire review request that could very well be denied. On the second page is a statement saying "Please provide a statement supporting your request for rehire:"

Here is my statement and I have revised it a few times but trying to find the perfect statement for rehire of some where I totally messed up seems almost impossible and I just do not want to get it wrong....

"To have wisdom is a gift. To have that same wisdom and help others is truly a blessing. I took that for granted and gave up way too easily many years ago. From the time I became a Medical Explorer all the way through earning my Certified Nursing Assistant status has been a true privelage. I have made many mistakes in my life but I have also learned from my mistakes and I would love the opportunity to show how I can be a great asset to co. and a great help to all the patients that I will encounter in my future. The smile on those faces and knowing I will be one of those that helped make everything better will be worth it, I would give anything to have that world back in my life."

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!!!

PS...I should probably add I did not marry that person I was calling in Florida..December 2000 I met the love of my life and we got married August 16, 2003..sorry for the confusion

first, you spell 'privelage', privilege.

i love your opening statement:

"To have wisdom is a gift."

however, i think i would take the opportunity to expound on how you became wiser since your termination.

maybe something like, "I have learned that some wisdom can only be gained through hindsight. Looking back at my employment here 8 years ago, I can see how far I have grown and matured."

you want the employer to see that you learned from your mistake.

there's a big learning curve between 22-30.

you are married w/family now.

you want this employer to appreciate your current responsiblities and dedication.

just a few tweaks, and your letter will be great.

best of everything.


To be honest I cant believe after that long they are still holding to it. But I think the letter sounds great. good luck

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