CNA question...


I just got accepted into Nursing School and start in Spring 2013. My college is offering a CNA class this summer. ( I do NOT have to have this class as part of my Nursing program)

Should I take it? Would it be beneficial to to have this class under my belt if I have already been accepted? I may or may not work with this certification. I will try but but who knows. I just remember someone saying that it will give me experience and help me not to be so scared of patients...LOL

Anyway...let me know what you all think, I register next month. :) Thx!

I say yes! Having the experince as a CNA really prepares you for clinicals in nursing especially the first semester. I have watched my sister in law go through the program and the first semester was all about basic cna training ( bathing, grooming, all that) I start nursing school in the fall but my sister in law is graduating next week. Good luck!

no learning is ever wasted. it will be of help to you. go for it.

I would take it! I took the CNA class before I even started any of my prerequisites to make sure I was comfortable with everything. It's definitely helped me and I feel like it gave me a little advantage in clinical over some of the students who had no healthcare experience. I would have been totally lost if I went into clinical with out any experience doing cares on people, but I'm someone who needs hands on experience to be comfortable with things. Plus... nurses still have to know how to clean up poo and all that fun stuff!

Specializes in ICU.

I would say 'yes!' I am just finishing up my nursing program and I really wish that I did pursue a CNA training course/class before the program. It will allow you to become more comfortable and familiarized with patient interaction, taking vital signs, making beds, and assisting patients with ambulation. You will be ahead of the game once clinical starts. Even if you don't work as a CNA, you will still have some beginning knowledge. I didn't even know how to take a radial pulse before nursing school or lock a wheelchair. This could be stressful for those who have never been exposed to healthcare, but having this class will alleviate some seemingly small things.

It may also help increase your chances of gaining a part-time patient care position in a hospital or nursing home. I also wish that I looked for these types of positions after my first semester. Future employers would like to see this sort of experience.

Specializes in CCRN, ED, Unit Manager.

Hell yeah take it. As a student you're probably going to be doing CNA tasks for your patients anyway, and at the very least you want to be proficient at them.

I wish I had.

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