CNA: Krappy attitude

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi all,

I had a call for a CNA class interview today. CNA certificate is a requirement for the RN school, so I gotta do it, plus, I think working as a CNA will def help me with experience for the school.

The lady whom I was supposed to call to set up an interview was acting as if I am just one of the many people bothering her today. I got the impression during the conversation that CNA's are not really valued (at that particular healthcare facility), and that they are pretty much the "invisible" people. I think it is wrong because CNA's do a LOT of important things, and stuff that no one else would want to do.

I have an interview on Monday, so we will see. Maybe I should just forget about attitude, and what they think of their CNA's, and just take the class, pass the test, and find work somewhere else. I was planning on working as a CNA for a couple of months, or so... for experience.

In any way it will be a huge learning experience.

Do you think it's common that CNA's are treated as krap?

I was also wondering about the "my CNA" thing. Do nurses get assigned a certain number of CNA's , or does it change every day?

I've seen it where a nurse teams with a CNA with a particular group of patients, but most often the patients are split evenly among the CNAs so that each has more than one nurse working with them.

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