Published Dec 24, 2016
1 Post
Okie so I've been working at a nursing home for about 2 months now. The person who trained me just informed me that I'm going back into training. I'm puzzled as to why? I did have two falls, one where the person fell out of bed, and where they slipped. But both times, the person wasn't injured whatsoever. And that happened a couple weeks ago. I haven't been called by the person in charge of scheduling or told by anyone besides the person who trained me. I was actually called in a week ago by the DON to tell me how great I'm doing. What's going on?!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the CN/MA forum
Wiggly Litchi
476 Posts
In your CNA certification exam, something that would contribute to a fall was a critical/instant fail, and for good reason.
You are lucky that your patients weren't injured; what if they'd broken a hip? How did one fall out of bed; did you forget the bed rails or bed alarm if they were on the bed? How did the other fall while walking? Did you follow precautions and assist them to the floor? Were they wearing a properly fitting gait belt?
It's good that they are putting you back into training- they could write you up or worse, but they are offering you the chance to go over things and work on your skills. Take this and use it for personal growth :)
**As a final note - if you haven't heard this from management (DON, scheduling person) then check in with them to confirm it.