Published Jan 19, 2010
21 Posts
I am looking into becoming a CNA, but there is a small issue. The technical colleges run on quarters, while my University is on semesters, so the timing clashes and just does not work out...
Is there any credible online CNA courses available? Would that be alright to do? And how would I get in the clinical hours?
I am in Valdosta, Georgia (though I could possibly take the course in Thomasville, Georgia as well)... and I am ASSUMING the CNA 100 course at VTC lasts an entire quarter- not just six weeks. Regardless, my classes here and those classes conflict seriously... so, is there any other option?
NamasteNurse, BSN, RN
680 Posts
You can google it and if you already have and you can't find any, there's a reason...Being a CNA is hands on work. Every minute, every skill is hands on with a patient. It's not about philosophy, psychology, chemistry or math, it's all people skills and how-to's. I can't imagine doing it online, you have to practice. In my CNA class which was the first month of LPN program we were pretty much on our feet the whole time in the lab practicing on the mannequins.
NurseCubanitaRN2b, BSN, RN
2,487 Posts
Since you're on the semester route does the school that's on the quarter system offer it during the summer? You might want to wait until summer or see if there's a local adult school around that offers it. As the previous poster stated, you really need to do the clinicals in person and seeing things online is only going to help with theory, but you need to practice your clinical component. Hands on experience is the only way to do it. Good Luck
20 Posts
I agree with the other reply that a CNA program is hands on. That's the point of it really- to get that experience. That's what way the programs are set up.
Sorry the timing isn't working out for you. I'm sure there are private health care companies that offer the training. Those are usually more expensive though
I hope it works out for you!
254 Posts
Perhaps the Red Cross offers their 6 week course near you?
64 Posts
i called the longbeach, ca red cross and the price is around 1,500.00
1 Post
What you are calling a small issue, the time clash of Cna classes to other classes has aroused as an alarming issue, and earlier many of the aspirants could not fulfill their dream because if this, for this online CNA course has been introduced and it is definitely one of the best option you can opt. In CNA entire course prescribed by the state for becoming CNA is taught which is all together 150 hours, comprising of theory and practical, for which you may be asked to attend classes, and it all together it is for not more than 6 weeks. here you can get, details about colleges and select them accordingly as per your state, hope you know that.
What classes are you taking at your school? Are you in prerequisites or a nursing program? I was wondering because I wanted to take a CNA class but decided against it because of the price, but then found out that once I complete one semester of nursing school that the students in my program are qualified to take the CNA exam, so I am planning on doing it then.