cloth hats

Specialties Operating Room


  1. Scrubs hats

    • Allowed to wear them free
    • Allowed to wear but must have covered
    • No allowed to wear at all
    • We have no set rules...

17 members have participated

So we all have the cute scrub cloth hats that we LOVE!

I am curious. Where do you work? Are you allowed to wear them? Do you have to keep them covered??

Curious! Very Curious!

(I am in Santa Fe, NM. We are allowed to wear them but have to wear disposable hats over...)

Specializes in OR Hearts 10.

We used to be able to wear without an extra cover. Then changed to disposable over. Now no cloth & no skull caps for the men cloth or disposable. I'm with the others, my hair stay better in my cloth hat.

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