clinicals while working part time job


I'm trying to start lpn at ptec but I work part time can anyone tell me how clinicals work like how many hours and do you get done at a certain time or when ...

None of us can really answer that question because its going to be different at every school. The best way to find out would be to contact a former or current nursing student from the school you will be attending. That's what I did!

I worked full time for first 2 years of my BSN and part time the remainder. It is definately dooable; I just had to change to night shift and load up on mocha caffeine in am classes ;)

I've been working 32 hours a week while in school and it has been just fine so far. There are a few days a week during clinicals when you will be unable to work due to clinical prep and such though. Your school will let you know which days to keep open during clinical rotations...Most of the nursing students in my program work part time and are able to manage nursing school just fine though.

I've been working 32 hours a week while in school and it has been just fine so far. There are a few days a week during clinicals when you will be unable to work due to clinical prep and such though. Your school will let you know which days to keep open during clinical rotations...Most of the nursing students in my program work part time and are able to manage nursing school just fine though.

Is it hard thats what im working now 32hr,but i hope they will atleast cut my hours to 25 a week so i can study and thing.I just get worried when my clinicals come around because idk how that works is a week stright or just a few day?

Is it hard thats what im working now 32hr,but i hope they will atleast cut my hours to 25 a week so i can study and thing.I just get worried when my clinicals come around because idk how that works is a week stright or just a few day?

Depends on your program, you will find out more when you go to orientation. Our clinicals are 2 days a week.

Depends on your program, you will find out more when you go to orientation. Our clinicals are 2 days a week.

ya i belive ours will be three i think

I just finished my 3rd semester, I have 1 semester left before I graduate with my ASN. I have worked full time the whole time I have been in school along with take care of my husband who is battling cancer and my 6 year old. So yes, it is def. possible to work and go to school. We have clinicals 2-3 days a week. I work every weekend...long hours....16hour shifts and some fridays I am up for 27 hours straight but it will be SOOOO worth it in december when I graduate!

Well i feel alot better now i have a 7month old son and work now about 33hrs a week so im sure it will work out i hope.

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