clinical instructor calls me air head


Hi everyone,

This is my first post although I come to these forums often when I feel like I need some enlightening myself on other matters and have received a lot of constructive, intelligent, and helpful input from these forums.

I am seeking genuine advise and input for something I truly don't know how to correct or understand.

I am an undergrad BSN student Second Degree in an accelerated program. I am doing well academically. I just had my evaluation today for my first clinical experience in med surge.

My instructor gave me the highest ratings for every category. I was very excited and feeling confident and happy. Then she dropped the bomb...

...She said that I was in LaLa land or seemed to be in LaLa land half the time and that I come across as an air head. She even called me air head in front of my fellow classmates. She said that when she got the report from the RNs on the floor, they all said that I was an air head and seemed like I was not focused. When I asked her to give me some specific examples so that I could correct the matter, she said she didn't know of any examples and that none were given. I asked again if she could recall something I did that would give that impression. She said nothing that she can remember, it just seems that I'm in LaLa land. She said that all the nurses she got the report from told her that I am not focused. Yet, my evaluation was excellent.

The truth is, I am extremely focused and good at multitasking. I never lagged behind and always got my charting done on time. I've seen some of the nurses make some pretty big mistakes like allowing a colonoscopy bag to break open on the patient b/c it got too full and one nurse even wanted to start up the NG tube again right after giving meds. I never said anything to them or my instructor about it.

One of the doctors came in the room just before I had a chance to enter my patient's room and asked me why the client was on contact precaution. I couldn't tell him b/c I hadn't even looked at her chart yet. He yelled at me and said, "You're the student, YOU should know that!!" Then he proceeded to walk into the client's room without gowning or gloving down himself! He went and told my teacher that I didn't know why my patient was on contact precaution. Another incident was when I was getting the report from the RN before going in to see my patient. I was asking her standard questions regarding the patient. The nurse next to her rolled her eyes at me and said, "Sweet heart, you need to do your assessments." I told her that we are instructed to get the report before we do our assessments. She acted like I didn't know what I was doing.

I am sitting here with my head tilted like a confused puppy trying to figure out how I got a near perfect evaluation and yet I'm an "air-head."

Is it possible that I just simply have a dumb look on my face and don't know it? Or is it possible I come off like an air head and if so, how the heck to I fix that? Should I tape my eyebrows to my skull and purse my lips so that I look more brilliant? Should I wear a pocket organizer maybe? lol! ok, that's really not funny, but seriously, there is nothing worse than not instilling confidence in others especially when you chose the most trusted profession as a career.

Any advise or input or words of wisdom would be appreciated.

Thank you,


hi a.C.

he knew, the gowns and precaution letter were on the door. He just didn't know what the reason was. My mistake was to stand near the door before I read the entire chart, I should have done that at the nurse's station.



I can relate to the airhead and lala land remark. People have often asked me where I go when I am concentrating on something(people who know me at least) others think I'm dim. I do hear everything that goes on around me and I do respond but I guess it is a vacant look in my eyes or something when I am focused. I also tend to look up when I am thinking as well and I am sure it looks odd.

I am one of those people, when in a crazy situation time slows down. I am not slow but I don't run around all crazy like a lot of people do. I just make a decision and react so maybe I have a robotic appearance as well?

I wouldn't worry too much about it because, at least for me, when people actually watch me work or try to catch me off guard it doesn't work. There are also a lot of instructors at my school who refuse to give a perfect grade or review so they nitpick about certain things. Calling you an airhead in front of everyone is a little harsh but one of my instructors picked on every one of us in the class so it wasn't a real big deal. It would irritate me if I was the only one she said something to.

The truth is, I am extremely focused and good at multitasking. I never lagged behind and always got my charting done on time. I've seen some of the nurses make some pretty big mistakes like allowing a colonoscopy bag to break open on the patient b/c it got too full and one nurse even wanted to start up the NG tube again right after giving meds. I never said anything to them or my instructor about it.

What is a colonoscopy bag? And what do other nurses' errors (if those even are errors) have to do with you?

Especially if more than one person is expressing concern, best to listen to what they're saying and learn. It's too bad your instructor didn't give you specific examples. Maybe you could speak with some of the nurses you worked with to get a better idea about their perceptions? Maybe you could speak with your instructor again? After all, none of us were there...

How much clinical experience will you get in this accelerated program, anyway? Do you think it's going to be enough?

What is a colonoscopy bag? And what do other nurses' errors (if those even are errors) have to do with you?

i think she meant colostomy. :D

I couldn't understand my fellow nursing students, they were talking with their mouths full while eating their young.

Yes, colostomy bag.

What do other nurses have to do with me? Well, since they are instructing me and reporting with me on the same patient, and I'm charting on their patients, I think they have an awful lot to do with me.

Accelerated does not entail fewer clinical rotations.

I can't listen to what someone is saying if their not saying anything. "Air-head" isn't exactly what an intelligent person would call constructive criticism.


The way our clinical is set up, we have no time to review the patient's records before we go in to see them. We have to hurry, get the report and get in to do morning care before the instructor comes around to assist in administering meds. It's pretty rushed.

Here's the problem. I can't imagine doing it this way as a student. You're still learning. For your school to not designate time for the students to read the chart prior to caring for the patient is just a bad idea nad puts you at a disadvantage. I'm sorry your school does it that way. Perhaps you could talk to your instructor about this issue and see if you could come early that morning/or hte night before to peruse the chart?

I know, I thought of that too. I don't like not having the pt chart the night before. We get it just before we do morning care and God forbid the pt needs to use the bed pan, then there's not enough time to have those meds administered by 9am and you get yelled at for lagging behind. We have to write our med descriptions while getting the report from the RN. Monday was our last day of clinical so hopefully next semester it will be more organized.

This is off topic, but, is it a bad idea to date a classmate who I'll be in the same classes with for the next year and a half? I think I already know the answer to that. Don't poop where you eat, right? lol!

I meant to say they're, not their. I shouldn't post when I'm running on no sleep.

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