
Hi I am an international BSN graduate. I have well over enough hours for clinical placement.

I am applying to California Board of Registered Nursing, and they are asking for obstetrics hours, which is a specialized field in australia.

What do I do if I have to get the hours? Will I be denied sitting the NCLEX?? How do I make these hours up?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

Welcome, there are a few Australian nurses as well as UK nurses that have this problem and until you meet requirements you will not be allowed to sit NCLEX. US training is general and therefore you need both theory and clinical hours in Obstetrics, mental health, paeds and general adult.

Where are you now?

well ive done EVERYTHING but obstetrics in australia.

Im from the states, but i graduated in australia.

What do people do to meet the required hours for obstetrics or other missing hours?? do they even offer clinical hours in schools here??

I spoke to someone from the board of RN CA...she suggested that the worse case scenario is that id have to go back to school and finish the theory/clinical for it...THAT IS TOO MUCH isnt it??? that could take 3 months or more no??

Sounds like you're in a real pickle. You should call back the CA BRN and ask them "where you can take this class" and what graduates have done in the past. Good Luck

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If you are in the US you could contact local schools of nursing and see if you can make up these hours as a guest student.

I've stated something similar before and unfortunately some of the JC's in CA are steering away from that now due to the budget cuts. Hopefully he/she chooses a state that isn't in such a bad economic crisis as much as Cali

Specializes in CTICU.

I didn't think I had enough obstetrics/obgyn but when I got my CES report, it said I did. I was happy as I was SURE I was going to have to do extra.

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