Cleveland Clinic Questions


Hello everybody,

I am a fresh RN, passed boards a week ago and now I'm out looking for a job. I had never really considered Cleveland Clinic because it had always seemed intimidating to me. But after really thinking about it I kind of realized that I am up for a challenge. Also, the types of pts that I would see wouldn't be much different then the ones that I worked with in the smaller hospitals from clinicals. Atleast I don't think so.

I've decided to take a trip there next week to look around and stop by HR to get an application and find out more about the hospital.

I am very curious though becuase I here great things and horrible things about the working conditions. I thought I would go to the source and ask anyone here who may work at the Clinic what they think and how they like it. I don't know anyone personally who works there to ask myself.

Thanks for any info. Any advice is appreciated.

Specializes in Step-down and Critical Care.

I did PRN on the cardiothoracic surgical floor and absolutely hated it. I do not think the patient ratio is safe for nurses. On the night shift we had 9 patients and those included are those that are new CABG patients and the patients are all scattered around the unit. I think CCF has a very good reputation but they do not treat their nurses very well. I have worked in the satelite hospitals that are part of the Cleveland Clinic and sometimes the staffing is bad due to the nursing shortage but nothing compares to the main campus. I know this response is late and you probably have made your decision but this is just my experience with the CCF.

DITTO!!!!! From the above statement:chuckle I feel the same way!! No offense...wish u well in your job search:nuke:

Specializes in CICU.

I just interviewed for a CCU and Cardiology step-down position this week. I was a bit intimidated by the CCU. I know that the education that I would receive would be priceless, but I have too heard negative things about how the nurses are treated. I have never been one to back away from a challenge, but I am concerned. Any advice?:scrying:

I have heard that too...that the nurses at the Clinic are treated poorly. However, I have a friend who works there on a peds floor and loves it. Have you thought about MetroHealth? I work there and am treated well.:nurse:

Specializes in CICU.

I have thought about MetroHealth. When I talked to the recruiter, she told me that new grads were not allowed to enter certain critical care areas. I wish to get some experience and then go to Metro's ER. I did take the CCF position. I start in October. Wish me luck!!

Good luck to you givingheart, you'll do great. Whomever you spoke with at Metro gave you wrong info. Our Emergency Dept just finished hiring about 7 or 8 brand new grads. And I know for a fact that the other Critical Care Depts also hire new grads. That's OK though. You'll learn TONS at CCF and when you're ready come check out Metro's ED.

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