Published Aug 6, 2022
138 Posts
I'm enrolled in the Cleveland clinic WOC program online with virtual clinicals.
I was under the impression that virtual clinicals/practicum offered by Cleveland Clinic satisfies the WOCNB's direct patient clinic hours.
However, I was just reading some material they just provided that seems to be saying the virtual practicum is temporary and that in order to meet the WOCNB's requirements to test/certify, one must go the experiential route, which is super confusing.
Cleveland clinic never said anything about this during the application process. There was no "chose the virtual practicum, but know that you must complete 15,000 direct patient contact hours before being eligible to test."
Anyone have any experience with this?
CalicoKitty, BSN, MSN, RN
1,016 Posts
When I most recently took a course (about 18 months ago), the virtual clinical hours were still permitted. I remember my program discussing plans to allow for virtual clinical hours to continue after covid, but I have since graduated and have not followed up, sorry.
thecareerchanger, BSN
205 Posts
OK this is good to know as I am interested in doing WOCN in the future but want completely online program. I work in med-surg full-time and home care PRN so I am not going to have those hours. I may have to consider WEBWOC again
3 hours ago, thecareerchanger said: OK this is good to know as I am interested in doing WOCN in the future but want completely online program. I work in med-surg full-time and home care PRN so I am not going to have those hours. I may have to consider WEBWOC again
Sorry, I just realized I was discussing WEBWOC program, not the Cleavland Clinic.
I saw on the Webwoc website that the virtual practicum would be discontinued as of January 2023 but anyone enrolled prior should be fine. Cleveland clinic also has virtual practicum but no plans to discontinue from what I could see so far