Class Schedules for GCC


Hi All,

My date and time stamp is October 16, 2009. Needless to say I still have quite a way to go before I enter the program. My question is for any current/recently former students at Gateway CC. I have three young children and wanted to get some sort of idea of your daily schedules from blocks 1-4. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Hi All,

My date and time stamp is October 16, 2009. Needless to say I still have quite a way to go before I enter the program. My question is for any current/recently former students at Gateway CC. I have three young children and wanted to get some sort of idea of your daily schedules from blocks 1-4. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


I pm'ed a copy of my current block 1 schedule. Since it's summer term, we did Saturday clinicals, but according to the school, they usually do them on a weekday. Pretty much, keep mon-fri 8am to 9:30 pm clear, and figure on a 12 hour clinical one of those days from 6:45am-7:15pm.

Specializes in School Nurse.

I just finished Block 1 at GCC. My schedule was Monday 8 am-4pm Tuesday and Thursday 8 am-11 am. Wednesdays were 6am-1pm. Now with Block 2 starting soon the schedule is alot more crazy. Mondays and Tuesdays are 6:30am-4 pm, for the first 6 weeks then you go to clinical depending on where your site is it is either monday or tuesday which means the day before have theat whole day clear to write your care plan. If Wednesdays and Thursdays are lec from 8am-10am. If you need more info let me know. :)

For my program, block 2 is tuesday and wednesday 8-4 for the first few weeks, then 2pm-6pm. Clinicals are on monday, thursday or friday (only one day, but there are 4 groups to pick from) , from 6:45 am to 7:15 pm - starting for us on week two or three, and ending at the end of Nov. There are 4 "extra" clinicals stuffed in there as well, 2 days for OB and 2 days for peds - even if your "normal" clinicals are thursday, your "extra" clinicals might be on monday or friday)...

All subject to change until classes actually begin...

If this sounds like a mess, it's because it is a mess.... :)

I'm not sure how anyone is able to work with these schedules, unless you can exclusively pull weekends or midnights - but many of my classmates seem to have been able to do it so far... I'm not being grumpy, I'm just saying it's alot to ask of any employer to have to deal with schedules like this and still find hours for somebody..

Bottom line, keep your weekday schedule empty, because they aren't bashful about picking any time from 6 am to 9:30 pm to get your time in.

Thank you all so much for replying, this has been very helpful.

Best of luck to you all



Are you sure that you really want to go to CGCC? Block 1 is not too bad, but block 2 is a totally different story. They have about a 51% failure rate for block 2. The block 2 instructors are less than stellar. I have first hand knowledge of this because I was a student there. If you do end up going there, transfer after block 1. Good luck to you in the future!


Are you sure that you really want to go to CGCC? Block 1 is not too bad, but block 2 is a totally different story. They have about a 51% failure rate for block 2. The block 2 instructors are less than stellar. I have first hand knowledge of this because I was a student there. If you do end up going there, transfer after block 1. Good luck to you in the future!

I heard one of the recent cohorts at gwcc had a 60% failure rate - I suspect it's as much do to weak students as it is due to weak instructors. So far, my block 1 cohort has only lost one student, and that was due to attendance @ clinicals. I'm not through block one yet, but some students are already on a different level as far as knowledge & skills & attitude.

Just pointing out that you need to build on knowledge over the course of the entire class.

Making it past the "endocrine test" or the "insulin test" doesn't mean you know everything about those subjects, they will come up again, even if you weren't tested on a specific item in that particular unit.

It can breed a false sense of security among those who aren't looking ahead.

I only need to get 2 questions (out of 25) correct on the last quiz to get to 76% on my grade (exclusive of the final)

Many in my class are in similar situations - does that mean we get to take this week off from studying?

I mean, hey - give me a 25 question-multiple-choice quiz on ANY subject, and I'd bet I can get TWO questions right.. Maybe even three..

Some will assume so at their own peril. That isn't the instructor's fault.

There are at least half-a-dozen students in my class of 30 who are on "probation" for missing a clinical.

One was just booted from the program Monday for missing a clinical and being (very)late twice.

That's a pretty silly reason IMHO to get bounced.

The instructor doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you roll yourself out of bed...

Showing up should be the easy part, right?

If the rules had been strictly followed from the beginning of the semester, ( late for clinical = sent home without credit for clinical) 20-30% of my class would likely already have been bounced.

My crystal ball is a little fuzzy, and I can't predict any better than you who will pass or fail - but If I do fail it won't be for something as easy to fix as attendance.

HI guys thank you so much for replying.

@bella45 I was a little confused, you asked if I was sure I wanted to go to CGCC and I am looking for information about Gateway. I have heard both sides of the issue on CGCC and have since gone up and talked to the advisor there and have decided on my own not to even put them down as a possible choice when we are able to switch choices for next semester.

@rzyzzy I have to admit I'm afraid in general, forget not finding a job, I want to get accepted, pass successfully and then worry about working. I know there are things I can control in order to make it in any program, my concern are the other factors that are out of my professors). All I can do is what I can do. I have to admit though I'm a bit concerned about all the things I'm suppose to know before entering. By the time I get in, I would have taken A&P almost 4 years prior. I cant even remeber most of that stuff now.

Just venting:-)


I'm sorry. I misread, I thought you were applying to CGCC. Glad you are making GCC one of your choices. I've heard that it is one of the better, more established programs. I wish you the best of luck! :)

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