Class President Problems

Nursing Students General Students



i am a nursing student that has been elected class president for the sna.

my problem is:

too many people are making a big deal, like calling me madam president, and making comments to the fact that i am president. i suppose that it bothers me sone because i am a student just like them, my grades are only average, and i only ran because a handful of students nominated me. i am extremely honored to have been nominated and having a chance in the election- but was shocked that so many had voted me in. i think (sometimes) even the instructors wonder why....

i want to be a good president, and to continue to be involved with this aspect of nursing school, but how do i get ppl to stop making such a big deal out of it?

its almost as if i am in a fish bowl or something. for instance, i have been fighting a cold all week and i needed to go home yesterday afternoon because i could barely hold my head up, and one of the instructors said," you can't go home you are the president and have to set a good example." i understand her concern, but again i am only human...... plz help me rationalize this!

thank you in advance,


Specializes in MICU - CCRN, IR, Vascular Surgery.
Curiousme....could tell me a little more about the buddy program you set up at your school? I was trying to get something like that set up at our school as well...


We have a mentoring program through our nursing club (I'm the vice president of our club). We match first semester students with students who are further along in the program so that they can email us with questions about school, how to deal with Pharm class, etc and so we can give them advice about the upcoming semesters and everything. Some pairs are more active than others, but so far it's had a positive impact on everyone.

Curiousme....could tell me a little more about the buddy program you set up at your school? I was trying to get something like that set up at our school as well...


It's pretty simple. We automatically enroll all first year students and ask for volunteers from the upperclassmen. Once we have enough upperclassmen, we just match folks up. We do tell upperclassmen that if they know a 1st year student they would like to buddy with, let us know and we'll organize it.

We then e-mail out the lists of buddy pairs and through a "Buddy Social" with snacks and beverages, so folks can meet each other and all three classes can hang out together (a rare thing).

Upperclassmen answer questions, as well as provide support & encouragement. Each buddy pair works out how they want to communicate and how often (some are just e-mail, some get together for coffee once a week....and everything in between).

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