Published Mar 28, 2020
SpankedInPittsburgh, DNP, RN
1,847 Posts
Hi all,
Does anybody know of any class action lawsuits against these monitoring programs? Are there any active in Pennsylvania or anywhere else? I’m pretty sure there is one in Michigan and I’m contemplating asking that firm to initiate one here
AbbeyR, ADN, BSN
194 Posts
rn1965, ADN
514 Posts
The only one I have heard of is the one in MI. I am not sure I know of any others. I did read about it a bit and man, those nurses were really getting the screws put to them in MI.
I have followed you and your journey and I know that you are kind of getting shafted on your end date, due to the Covid-19 and that really seems unfair.
Let us know how it goes!
The extended end date has me at wits end but it goes beyond that. I simply don’t think these poop shows would stand up to protracted scrutiny in open court. I feel many were coerced into these programs by having their livelihoods threatened and then once in subject to “treatments” with no proven efficacy, ripped off for thousands of dollars and subject to (at best) callous treatment. It’s a matter that should be litigated fully
Michael L Langan
1 Post
Need to initiate one pertaining to the bogus alcohol bio marker testing.
The College of American Pathologists (CAP, which is the only agency overseeing this non-FDA approved laboratory developed testing introduced and promulgated by Dr Greg Skipper, has recently teamed up with DOJ to investigate these matters. I have recently filed a complaint and encourage everyone else to do so and actively seek out legal counsel. Skipper started all of this and without him this testing would not even exist - he needs to be nailed for the fraud he is and although he pretends to be an advocate for those harmed by it ( and acts as a (ineffectual) medico-legal expert for those who pay him to do so) the fact is he’s done nothing to undo this Pandora’s box. Let’s hold him accountable publicly, legally and financially. Disruptedphysicianblog
Well at long last I spoke to a lawyer. He was very helpful and I’ll be doing as he says. If anybody else there is in pnap and in a similar situation feel free to pm me and I’ll give you his contact information.