Chronic Hep.B carrier - Nursing school(AZ)



I am a chronic hepatitis B carrier. Can I enter to nusrsing school and be a nurse with this health issue?

What kind of test does the nursing school require for checking chronic HBV (but inactive) if the school accept chronic HBV carriers?

Thanks in advance.

For lack of a more definitive answer, I would suggest check with the BON in your state:

Thanks for answering.

But I live in AZ(Arizona) and try to enter the nursing school here.

Sorry, got initials mixed :) Anyway, good luck and hope you get answers soon.

Thanks again.

But I don't how or where can I find related information in that site.

Do you know how to find it?

There is a contact button up at the top of the link... try that.

I am not sure what you mean by "Chronic HepB carrier" - I had HepB years ago and I would test positive the same as you would, although I have no liver damage and am otherwise healthy. Anyone who has had HepB will have the antibodies in their blood for the rest of their lives - thus, a "chronic" carrier. Those of us that have the antibodies cannot donate blood, but are otherwise just like everyone else, provided there was no actual liver damage when we were sick.

In my state (California) we all must take the 3 step HepB vaccine - I chose to take it rather than have titers drawn to prove that I was exposed to the virus. The vaccination will not harm you in any way, it is not a "live" virus and you have already produced antibodies against it, in any case.

Long story short: you will not be discriminated from working in healthcare if you have had previous exposure to HepB!

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