Chronic COPD'er, 1 lung, 02 @ 6L/min. What would you do?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Chronic COPD'er, 1 lung, 02 @ 6L, What would you do?

    • I think the Paramedic was right to increase the 02 to 6L. I am a Nurse.
    • I think the Paramedic was right to increase the 02 to 6L. I am a Paramedic or EMT.
    • I think ultimately the patients wished should have been honored. I am a Nurse.
    • I think ultimately the patients wishes should have been honored. I am a Paramedic or EMT.
    • I think the Paramedic should be reported to her agency for ignoring everyone. I am a Nurse.
    • I think the Paramedic should be reported to her agency for ignoring everyone. Paramedic/EMT.
    • I think this was a true emergency situation. I am a Nurse.
    • I think this was a true emergency situation. I am a Paramedic or EMT
    • I don't know, it's all too confusing
    • Leave me out of it. I don't want to participate.

148 members have participated

I got a call to go see one of my HH patients, who I am very familar with, because the family reported that her/his 02 sats were hanging in the 70's all day and even though she/he was not SOB they felt it should be coming up after breathing treatments and wanted to call before it got too late in the evening.

She/he is a chronic COPD'er, who has only one lung, who functions well with 02 sats in the low 80's. She/he has 02 BNC @ 2.5L/min. When I got there she/he was sitting up talking to me. She/he said she/he didn't feel in the least SOB, 02 sat was 73%, Temp 102 and her/his one lung was full of wheezes. I felt as though she/he should go to the hospital but that it was not an emergency situation. The family fully agreed. They said she/he preferred to go by ambulance so she/he wouldn't have to sit in the ER. I agreed. We called 911.

An EMT got there and asked what was going on. I told him. A few minutes later the ambulance got there and a paramedic came in. She saw me but asked the EMT what was going on. "Oh my God a sat of 73% crank her up to 6L/min. I said no. I explained why. She said "well we have to get her 02 sat up because she's not perfusing 02 to her brain. I said she's talking to you. Please do not turn her up to 6L/min you'll do more harm. She did it anyway. The daughter said "the last time you guys did this she/he ended up with a CO2 of 134 and ended up on a ventilator". The patient said please don't do this to me. The paramedic ignored everyone. The EMT turned it back down to 2L/min the paramedic saw it and turned it back up to 6L/min. She told the patient she would put her/him on a non-rebreather once they got her/him in the ambulance!

I was told that once the paramedics arrive they are in charge and what they do is their responsibility but how ignorant to not listen to the nurse, the family and the patient?

I will make sure this paramedic gets reported. I wonder what you guys thoughts are?

Specializes in Paramedic.

just registered to say that this has been one of the most interesting medical discussions i've ever read. i actually read every post, took a couple hours.

i'm also very impressed at how reasonable and civil everyone has been throughout the discussion (with the exception of the "no means no" people-- wrong, there are exceptions). i'm glad i found this forum. while not a nurse, i'm a emt working towards paramedic and there's definitely a lot of knowledge to pick up here. :)

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

Thank You Stunt and welcome to All Nurses! We usually can have a fairly civil discussion. Sometimes, me included, some of us get really fired up, but all in all this is a wonderful place to learn!

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