Children's Hospital of Colorado New Grad Program August 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


I haven't seen a new thread so I figured I would start one. It was really helpful to read the old threads but they are at least 1 year old and since CHCO has a new supplemental application I figured I would see if anyone wants to share their experiences on here. Application period closes 4/3/16, so the wait begins.....

I'm curious too. I'm with general med peds. Heard any tips for the interview process?

I went for my interview yesterday, at Children's in Memorial Colorado Springs. I was surrounded with nine interviewers; it was nerve-racking. The interview went well. They also give me a scenario test (handwritten) and a scenario that was written on a white board and make priority base on objective assessments. I think I failed that scenario test both of them. I did not expect that in an interview they will include such things. I hope this help.

I just accepted an offer for the Aurora campus. Anyone else hear back yet?

What floor? Did they just call you? Congrats! I haven't heard anything....

Thank you! I applied for level 9, but it sounds like 8 and 9 hired together. I hope you hear back soon. Which unit did you apply for?

For people who accepted positions in the new grad program, would anyone like to start a Facebook group to keep in touch with each other and meet people on other floors once we start? I'm not sure if we all attend class together, or just with our unit. Anyone know?

I went for my interview yesterday, at Children's in Memorial Colorado Springs. I was surrounded with nine interviewers; it was nerve-racking. The interview went well. They also give me a scenario test (handwritten) and a scenario that was written on a white board and make priority base on objective assessments. I think I failed that scenario test both of them. I did not expect that in an interview they will include such things. I hope this help.

I know this is an old post, but what is your recommendation for an interview? Can you recall any questions? Was everyone friendly? Is the scenario based on clinical skills? Any info will help! Thank you!

SF BSN2b, I was wondering if you had any advice or examples regarding the case/scenario questions for the Children's Hospital new grad program! Anything at all would be super helpful-just to ease my fear/anxiety! THANK YOU!!

I know this is an old post, but what is your recommendation for an interview? Can you recall any questions? Was everyone friendly? Is the scenario based on clinical skills? Any info will help! Thank you!

SF BSN2b, I was wondering if you had any advice or examples regarding the case/scenario questions for the Children's Hospital new grad program! Anything at all would be super helpful-just to ease my fear/anxiety! THANK YOU!!

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