
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all -

Just finished my chemistry coorifice - going into it with NO KNOWLEDGE found it very trying and difficult thinking I was going to fail - I am happy to say that I got an A- :yeah:

UNREAL people - if I can do it so can all of you!! Keep the faith!

Here's what worked for me: I kept telling myself to forget all the things I had heard about Chem back in High School and beyond...and that I would really enjoy understanding it finally. Its like I brainwashed myself (some women are still conditioned to think of Chemistry as really hard, although that's rapidly changing) and guess worked! I actually DID enjoy it and was shocked about that, and I swear that telling myself that it would be interesting and not hard really worked (as corny as this sounds). Seems like once I purposely relaxed my brain, my thoughts were more open to the knowledge presented and I surprised myself with doing well in it. (Wish I could say the same about Physics- but I can't!) Best of luck to you!

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