Chemeketa Community College Nursing Program 2015

U.S.A. Oregon


Hey! I thought I would start a thread for those who applied for Chemeketa's program this year in hopes to begin Fall 2015. I just did my essay yesterday afternoon :) I know it's rare to get in your first try, and I would need full points on my essay to even have a chance, but it would still be neat to keep in touch with some others who have also applied! Good luck everyone! I would love to hear from you!

I just got a call from the health and science department. She said she was calling alternates and making sure they were still interested. She said they possibly (not 100%) have 7 spots open right now but will be calling me again Tuesday with a for sure answer!!

I am keeping my fingers crossed for both of us though!

I got a phone call!! It wasn't THE phone call but she said 7 spots are open for sure!!! I really hope one more open for me!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! I'm sure at least one more spot will open!! My heart almost exploded when the chemeketa number popped up, did she say she would be contacting you again next Tuesday?

Yes next Tuesday for sure!!! I'm freaking out now!!

I really hope you get in too! We have bonded over the stress of being alternates lol! I've heard in the past the next 5 alternates up for spots are invited to orientation in case someone doesn't show.

I know I heard that too. I think it would just be agonizing to go through all that, but I would do it! Tuesday is a big day!

Be sure to post if you get in! One. More. Week. Lol.

Well I received a phone call..... Only 5 alternates were accepted.

Yup, I just got the same one. I'm pretty upset. Not sure why the number 7 was given and now it's 5.

Guess I am in the top five alternates to sit around and wait for someone to fail a background check or something. This is torture! Haha!

Yeah she said I'm alternate number two now. Honestly I'm really upset now. I feel like my chances of getting in are like none. Did you happen to ask her if we get any information or if we get to stay in the dark while we wait?

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