check my nursing Dx. prioritization


diabetes diagnosis

deficient fluid volume



risk for infection

risk for ineffective self-help management


Acutepain r/t increased cerebral vascular pressure

Imbalanced nutrition,more than body requirements

Activityintolerance r/t generalized weakness

Ineffective coping

Risk for decreased cardiac output

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Without an assessment there is no way I can tell you what is priority or not.

What semester are you?

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

How do they have pain due to increased vascular pressure? Do they have a head bleed? Migraines? how does this include diabetes?

How is their cardiac out put affected?

What evidence do you have that they are fluid deficient?

What nursing care plan resource are you using?

Nursing diagnoses do not derive from medical diagnoses, nurses make them after analyzing the findings of a nursing assessment.

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