Chattanooga State 2012 Hopefuls... Your Points?


Hey fellow applicants (yay, we're done with applying this year)!!! :yeah:

Now that the deadline has passed, and now that we're all waiting in AGONY to hear back... I was wondering if anybody else would want to share their points?

I guess it might be silly, but I'm just so anxious to know where we stand!

I have a feeling I won't make it this time, but mine are 85.9 - eeek! GOOD LUCK!!

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.

Moved to the TN Nursing Programs forums for more of a response.

I remember I said in another thread, yours are so never know, you definitely have a chance! Especially for the wait list...I remember they said one year they used everyone on it.

My points are a bumming 79.25 :cry:

i feel the same way! I have 94 points and im still extremely long before they get here? i have hjeard that they send them out as early as the last week of March or mid-April. I need to take a&p 2 and nutrition still

Smashley you have no reason to be nervous, you will get in. 90+ is pretty much garunteed, the past two years the lowest scores for initial acceptance were around 86 so pre-congrats! :)

87.3. Im hoping that I make it even if just barely. I hear we should know by april2.

I'd think that jice and Smashley get in this time!

With my points (85.9), I think I'd rather have FEWER points so I wouldn't be on pins and needles about being on the cusp! I have my B.A., but I'm missing all the bio classes, so that's what's hurting me so badly this time. I'm in Nutrition now (take Anna Pace if you can - she's awesome!), and will take A&P and Microbiology this summer/fall/spring.

They don't go SOLELY on points, they have many considerations. They want a diverse group. Gender, ethnicity, and age all play into their decision. So having a higher points calculation is more reassuring but being male, non-white, and older age can help you if you are on the cusp.

I sure hope so, dee! That would be awesome! :)

I have 92.5 points... Has anyone gotten a letter yet? I'm a nervous wreck!!!

Got my letter today!!!

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