Published Mar 17, 2012
12 Posts
Hey fellow applicants (yay, we're done with applying this year)!!!
Now that the deadline has passed, and now that we're all waiting in AGONY to hear back... I was wondering if anybody else would want to share their points?
I guess it might be silly, but I'm just so anxious to know where we stand!
I have a feeling I won't make it this time, but mine are 85.9 - eeek! GOOD LUCK!!
Medic2RN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,576 Posts
Moved to the TN Nursing Programs forums for more of a response.
30 Posts
I remember I said in another thread, yours are so never know, you definitely have a chance! Especially for the wait list...I remember they said one year they used everyone on it.
My points are a bumming 79.25
6 Posts
i feel the same way! I have 94 points and im still extremely long before they get here? i have hjeard that they send them out as early as the last week of March or mid-April. I need to take a&p 2 and nutrition still
Smashley you have no reason to be nervous, you will get in. 90+ is pretty much garunteed, the past two years the lowest scores for initial acceptance were around 86 so pre-congrats! :)
4 Posts
87.3. Im hoping that I make it even if just barely. I hear we should know by april2.
I'd think that jice and Smashley get in this time!
With my points (85.9), I think I'd rather have FEWER points so I wouldn't be on pins and needles about being on the cusp! I have my B.A., but I'm missing all the bio classes, so that's what's hurting me so badly this time. I'm in Nutrition now (take Anna Pace if you can - she's awesome!), and will take A&P and Microbiology this summer/fall/spring.
550 Posts
They don't go SOLELY on points, they have many considerations. They want a diverse group. Gender, ethnicity, and age all play into their decision. So having a higher points calculation is more reassuring but being male, non-white, and older age can help you if you are on the cusp.
I sure hope so, dee! That would be awesome! :)
18 Posts
I have 92.5 points... Has anyone gotten a letter yet? I'm a nervous wreck!!!
Got my letter today!!!