Published Dec 14, 2009
55 Posts
I am really disappointed in myself after this semester. I tried to take some of the more difficult classes this past semester, without realizing that easier classes meant better GPA. I took Micro, API w/lab and Math 128. I had to drop my english and really focus on my sciences. Boy did it catch up with me! Anyway, I got a B in AP lect., a B in math, but I got C's in micro. and my lab. That puts my GPA at 2.6 . I was wondering if anyone knew if I should even apply this semester, or wait until next semester. The thing that really sucks is that you have to apply a year in advance! So if I wait, I won't even begin Charity until Fall 2011! Does anyone know if a REALLY REALLY good TEAS score may save me??
237 Posts
Charity has a scoring program that takes into account GPA, withdrawals, failing grades, TEAS score, etc. You can go to their website and look at it to decide where you are. It is the "Applicant Review Form." If your GPA is less than 3.0, it gives you no points. If you are at 3.0-3.499, it is worth 5 points and 3.5 & up is worth 10 points.
A good TEAS score is worth a lot! The minimum score they accept is 70 but 70-75.99 is only worth 5 points. 76-79.99 is worth 10 points, 80-89.99 is worth 15, and 90+ is worth 20 points.
According to the form, a score of 70 is a high score. Hope this makes sense to you but it will make more sense when you look at the form and see where you get points.
Mr I Care
157 Posts
I am a Charity student and I would advise you to still apply. If you take additional classes not required for Charity admission in hopes of raising your GPA, it will not help. Charity only averages your required related course, which gives you a CSN GPA. Once you start you will under more. In your case, you really need an 80-95 on your Teas to be confident and comfortable while waiting for acceptance letter. I made a 75.9 on my Teas and had a 3.6 GPA at the time I applied.
The thing that will raise your CSN GPA is retaking your A&P or Micro over, which will delete your previous grade.
If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me, because I know how it feels to apply.
You should really meet with the admission director asap.
I am a Charity student and I would advise you to still apply. If you take additional classes not required for Charity admission in hopes of raising your GPA, it will not help. Charity only averages your required related courses, which gives you a CSN GPA. Once you start you will under more. In your case, you really need an 80-95 on your Teas to be confident and comfortable while waiting for acceptance letter. I made a 75.9 on my Teas and had a 3.6 GPA at the time I applied.
Cumulative GPA is worth up to 10 pts.
CSN nursing GPA is worth up to 30 pts. on top of the cumulative GPA.
TEAS is worth up to 20 pts.
ACT composite is worth up to 20 pts.
Completing all CSN except nursing = 20 pts.
And there are a couple of other places to get points.
Checking out the review form will let you know where to concentrate. But ICUdudeKerry is right, meet with the admission dir.
When I took my teas 67.4% was an acceptable score, but now you need a 70% . When I took it in 2008 I made a 75.9%.
When I took it 67.4% was acceptable. Not to scare you but you need atleast a 70% to pass and you may possibly get in. Please buy the teas prep book and know your A&P stuff. I am pulling for you, you can do it !
Thanks guys so much. I am just so frustrated at this point . I think that a high score on my TEAS is my only hope. I even thought of going into the LPN program while waiting to get into Charity. That way I could be an LPN while finishing RN school. I'm just looking at plan B. I will have all of my pre-req.s completed after this upcoming Spring semester. I read that I could go into my 2nd level of nursing courses if I were a recent LPN grad. My problem is the wait to get into Charity even if I do get accepted. Even if I got an 90 on my TEAS, my profile score is only at 50 right now. My CSN GPA is 2.9. The counselor at DCC is absolutely no help at all and I recently went on Charity's tour, which was informative but seemed to have even more conflicting advice. Now I hear that there are 500 applicants a semester with only about 140 spots available. I was wondering if they mainly take into account DCCs transcripts when calculating the withdrawals and repeat/deletes. I went to UNO nine years ago, before I had any idea of what I really wanted to do. Well, thanks for the support! How has your experience at Charity been for you, ICUdudeKerry?
Hopefull nurse
168 Posts
Hey, I know how you feel. I graduated from UNO in 2003 and decided this year that I wanted to go into Nursing. I was so upbeat about it and so excited of applying to Charity. I took the Teas exam in September and didn't pass it. It was so upsetting to me! I wanted to die! I think I cried for about a a month.
I had a 50 on my profile score and needed to add in my Teas score points.
Well, after much thought I have decided that I will never pass the TEAS. I am not about to pay another $50 to fail it again. So, I took the LPN entrance exam and passed it. If everything goes right, I will be applying to the LPN program in May.
After reading your post and seeing that 500 people apply, I am sure I will never get it. They only take the best, probably the 4.0 GPA's. My 3.1 won't ever get in.
Please don't lose the faith like I have. I was on cloud nine and so excited about becoming an RN one day but reality slapped me in the face.
Good luck on your TEAS!
15 Posts
GIRL DO IT!! You have nothing to lose anyway!!
Just to let you know....I have a 3.4 GPA and made an 87 on my TEAS and I got my acceptance letter last week! So don't worry about your GPA but make sure to kick *** on your TEAS. Either way I would apply no matter what. If you don't make it in this semester you will have an edge over others next semester. You will do great!! I hope to see you this Fall!!
Congrats nursenikki316! I'm still going to apply. I have my TEAS study guide and plan on studying my butt off. If I do get a rejection letter, I will appy to the LPN program in May with RN hopefull. I will have all of my RN pre-req.s out of the way and I have to wait for Charity anyway, so I might as well finish the LPN program and go right into the ADN program. Did that make sense? I might have a better shot at getting in after this semester anyway. RN hopeful when did you take your TEAS? I think the ADN bulliten now says you can retake it after three months. I don't think a 3.1 is bad at all! I've read before on this site that you should just have at least 3.0. So why don't you study, study, study and try again! We still have until Feb. 26th to apply and we're both in the same boat. Where do you stand with your pre-reqs? Please don't lose the faith RN hopeful!!!
Beejaycee I am trying to get in touch with you but this forum wont let me send PM's for some reason and I cant post my email address. I am going to try and post on 15 forums because it says I cant message anyone until I post 5 times favorably. Thank you so much for replying to me!!