Charity school of Nursing 2012 fall class jitters/ need advice


Ok, I am a student at Delgado Community College and I've applied for the Fall 2012 class at Charity School of Nursing. I know that they go by the profile score, which I have worked on and I know that my profile score was pretty high, so I'm hoping to get in. (My Hesi score was a 92, I have a 3.75 gpa, and have a degree in sign language -I'm currently in A&P II, so I don't have the final grade on that yet, but I'm working my butt off!) The waiting is killing me- I called last week and they said that they will send the acceptance/"thanks for your interest, but.." letters at the end of this month.

I have so many questions though, so I thought I'd start here. Is anyone else on all-nurses applying for that group? Also, for anyone who is attending CSN already: I have 2 children (and currently a full time job, but I'm planning on quitting if I get accepted). In your experience, how neglected are my children going to be? (lol) (I do also have a husband, who is being super supportive esp when I need hours and hours to study for A&P; However, 2 years of that... hmmmmmm...)

Also, I am a nervous wreck about parking in New Orleans (I live in Slidell)(I know- of all the things to stress about) and I'm worried about the "horror stories" that I hear re: nursing school in general (for example: "The hardest thing I've ever done in my life!", "I cried daily.","The first semester they try to scare you out.", and my favorite, "Say goodbye to your friends and family for 2 years.") and CSN in particular (it's ridiculously hard, etc.). I love a challenge, but I'd like some inside info about what it's like when you start. I think personal experiences and tips will help ease some of my fears and concerns. What's it like? Any advice that you wish someone would have given to you? Please feel free to write, anyone who has attended Charity School of Nursing recently or is currently attending. Also anyone feeling the same way I do -anxious as hell about starting the dreaded "nursing school". Lol

Thanks, Everyone!! :)

Specializes in Home Health.

Hi learning2care,

I'm also applying to Charity Fall 2012. I've heard the same thing that letters will be going out at the end of the month or first of next month. Unfortunately I don't have children but I have two elderly parents that make life amusing. (My HESI was 84.4, GPA 3.5 and I have a BA in Mass Comm and a Certificate in Paralegal. )

I'm very nervous about the job thing because I'm not sure I will be able to quit my job. At the very least I will have to keep a part time job for gas money. I also live across the lake (Lacombe). I've worked downtown several times (although not currently) and the parking can be difficult. My biggest concern is safety while walking to and from class or evening clinicals.

I have no doubt it will be difficult but I think, I could be wrong, but it may boil down to how you handle stress. As a mother I'm sure you've had plenty of experience with stress. As I said before I don't have children but working for lawyers is pretty much the same.

Good luck, and hopefully we will be classmates!:D

Thanks, Firrehorse! I agree completely about the safety thing. My husband got me some mace and I'm even thinking of getting a tazer. When I went down there to drop off my application packet, I was approached for prostitution. Apparently this gentleman could have me making $3700/day. --- We're going into the wrong field~ Lol.

We may even be able to work out some sort of driving arrangement that could benefit both of us if we get in. Safety in numbers! (I also live really close to Lacombe)

Keeping fingers crossed. Let's both let each other know when we get our acceptance letters! Positive vibes :)

Specializes in Home Health.

LOL. It's not funny but I had to laugh. We are going into the wrong field, but the nursing career will last just a tad bit longer, LOL.I think carpooling would be a good idea. I'll keep you posted.I too thought about the tazer! Still may talk to someone about that. Will let you know what I find out.

Learning2care I live in Slidell and have applied the same as firrehorse. I'm also scared to death of NO. Lol I get lost so easily. I'll carpool seeing that I get accepted. And I love study group firrehorse and I would meet at the library in Slidell. Good luck and I hope we all get in!!

Specializes in Home Health.

Well, hello Chelle_01_99. The library in Slidell is busy but it served us well. I was out of pocket yesterday but checked mail when I got home............NO LETTER, thick or thin.

I'm having nightmares for thin letters arriving with my name on it and Charity SON return address. :bluecry1:

I also have applied for the fall semester to charity. I live in Lacombe, and too will dread the journey to NO everyday, but in the end it will all be worth it. I also have butterflies everyday when I approach my mailbox anxiously awaiting that THICK packet lol! Hey I am an optimist. I wish everyone April uncle Paul's wife her dad died yesterday best of luck, and whether your packet is thick or thin keep your head high and be proud of your accomplishments! I will too carpool if anyone is interested :) good luck all and please keep us dying to know, very patient people, informed on any changes

Ok, I am a student at Delgado Community College and I've applied for the Fall 2012 class at Charity School of Nursing. I know that they go by the profile score, which I have worked on and I know that my profile score was pretty high, so I'm hoping to get in. (My Hesi score was a 92, I have a 3.75 gpa, and have a degree in sign language -I'm currently in A&P II, so I don't have the final grade on that yet, but I'm working my butt off!) The waiting is killing me- I called last week and they said that they will send the acceptance/"thanks for your interest, but.." letters at the end of this month.

I have so many questions though, so I thought I'd start here. Is anyone else on all-nurses applying for that group? Also, for anyone who is attending CSN already: I have 2 children (and currently a full time job, but I'm planning on quitting if I get accepted). In your experience, how neglected are my children going to be? (lol) (I do also have a husband, who is being super supportive esp when I need hours and hours to study for A&P; However, 2 years of that... hmmmmmm...)

Also, I am a nervous wreck about parking in New Orleans (I live in Slidell)(I know- of all the things to stress about) and I'm worried about the "horror stories" that I hear re: nursing school in general (for example: "The hardest thing I've ever done in my life!", "I cried daily.","The first semester they try to scare you out.", and my favorite, "Say goodbye to your friends and family for 2 years.") and CSN in particular (it's ridiculously hard, etc.). I love a challenge, but I'd like some inside info about what it's like when you start. I think personal experiences and tips will help ease some of my fears and concerns. What's it like? Any advice that you wish someone would have given to you? Please feel free to write, anyone who has attended Charity School of Nursing recently or is currently attending. Also anyone feeling the same way I do -anxious as hell about starting the dreaded "nursing school". Lol

Thanks, Everyone!! :)

so happy to see other people from slidell!! i actually live in pearl river, but still. i am terrified of driving to the city alone and to park and walk to the building!! i also am married and have 2 kids. so i know how you feel.remember, we will have summers off so that will help!!! i see we all worry about the same stuff!! i cannot wait until the end of this month.i have been just wishing march would just be over with already so i can find out if i made it! i am very nervous about getting in. all of you seem to be higher up than i am. my hesi score was a 78.. i know it sucks. the math and chemistry got to me. my gpa is a 3.75 though. i have As in A&p though. im currently still in a&p 2 and let me tell u, my instructor, for lecture is the hardest!but im doing ok! i just really hope i get in. the nursing advisor told me to go ahead and apply for fall so i did. if i dont get in i plan on reapplying for spring! i have a friend that started at charity this semester and she said its very tough.they did 23 chapters in the first two weeks. she said no one in her class is getting As, but they are passing. so i know it will be tough. i have been a certified nursing assistant for 11 years and i have learned so much from the excellent nurses i have worked with. i am so ready to just finally move up to being a registered nurse and im so anxious to start the actual nursing education! i cant wait!! this will be an exciting journey for all of us and we just need to focus on the goal ahead. we really wont know what to expect until we are experiencing it ourselves. dont listen to the negative stuff people say. we know its going to be hard but we will make it. anything is possible if you want it bad enough! stay positive and i wish you all the best of luck!!! keep in touch!

omit the sentence about my aunts dads death i have no idea how that got in there

Hello all!Yesterday afternoon I received my letter to charity school of nursing for the fall of 12. I am beyond excited and nervous all at the same time. I live in Slidell and it would be great to get to know any of you that live here as well. We could be study buddies! Good luck to all

Mwilliams5486 did you get your letter?

Hi! I am currently in Nac 1 (I started in Fall 2011), and honestly I love Charity! I won't lie, it is hard. But as a wife, mother, part time worker, and full time Charity student, I can honestly say it is doable. My top 3 tips are: 1 find a good study buddy

2 Carpool and 3 Make a schedule and stick with it. Tip 3 is the hardest and most important. For instance, I got home from clinical last night at 10pm and had to do laundry and eat before I went to bed. This morning, I was so tired I didn't want to get out of bed and seriously considered cancelling my 8am study group to sleep in, although I didn't because past Charity experience has taught me that cancelling study time leads to 70's on tests... So now it is 11:10pm and I have just finished my clinical paper work and should go to bed because I am soooo sleepy, but I won't yet because my schedule says that I am supposed to have "me" time until 11:30. Always stick the schedule :-) Good luck!

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