Published Feb 16, 2010
schmoltz, BSN
10 Posts
So the county comissioners in my county have voted to charge IM's for their meds. The only problem is that this was voted for in the last week of January and implemented on Februray 1. So needless to say we have no consistency. Management has no idea how to charge IM's in a consistent fashion and everyone is doing it differently so I imagine that some are getting double charged and some aren't getting charged at all. Any suggestions? Thanks!
9 Posts
Do they just want to charge for OTC meds, or for Chronic care meds?
spongebob6286, BSN, RN
831 Posts
we charged them if they are more than 30 days with us.
We are not charging for OTC drugs like APA, Ibu, Zantac 150, mylanta. We are charging if the MD Rx's APAP 1000 mg, IBU 800mg, etc and then all chronic care etc. We are one a few counties in my state that wasn't charging. Oh and the facility will not allow KOP for ANYTHING, pod officers keep IM's inhalers at the desk.
In our facility we used to allow KOP asthama inhalers but they recently did away with that. For the charging issues i wish i could be of assistance but at our facility chronic care visits and meds arent charged. If its an acute visit or meds through sick call ex:tylenol IBU etc. then we will charge one standard price for any amount of days its ordered.
65 Posts
I am used to a system like Danielle mentioned above. Chronic care meds aren't charged but sick call and OTCs were. There is also OTC meds available through the commissary.
164 Posts
We charge a weekly charge for meds. One price whether 1 rx or 10. We charge for PA visits and otc's. If an IM is indigent they still get care, their accounts will run in a debit and any funds coming in will go towards medical. I can only imagine what my med pass would be like if we didn't charge. They sign a paper for request and it is deducted from their acct.
What I find a little silly is we don't charge for psych meds. Got raging HTN we ding ya, don't want to deal with anxiety in jail we cater to you. I understand with people with true psych issues it is to everyones benefit. But it seems sometimes that these IM's know just what to say to mental health.Sorry thats my own personal rant.
I think you will find over time it cuts done on malingering and frivolous med seeking.