Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Dear Nurse Beth,
An ex-employer of 6 months ago filed claims with the BRN for unprofessional behavior, gross negligence and or incompetency with work related items. I left on my own free will, same day and in person before my shift started. At my time of leaving I had 0 reprimands in my file never written up or counseled formally. I complained to HR at the end of my employment. This seems to be retaliation. What can they possibly have found after I left?
Dear Nurse Beth,
An ex-employer of 6 months ago filed claims with the BRN for unprofessional behavior, gross negligence and or incompetency with work related items. I left on my own free will, same day and in person before my shift started. At my time of leaving I had 0 reprimands in my file never written up or counseled formally. I complained to HR at the end of my employment. This seems to be retaliation. What can they possibly have found after I left?
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