Charge nurse

Specialties Med-Surg


we have a 28 bed med surg floor. Our charge nurse takes a full load because we are usually understaffed and required to take a full pt load. I started working as an RN in OCt 2002. The other week I was asked if I would charge. I said definitely not. There have been other occasions that I clocked in and was told I was in charge and I flat out refused. I don't have the experience or the knowledge it takes to run a floor smoothly. Maybe in a few yrs yes but until then no. Anyone else run into this problem. I have another new nurse like me that charges I feel it is unsafe. What do you all think. Janice

I graduated in May of this year and one week after orientation as well as my first week on nights I was the only RN on the unit. I only had the help of two LPN's and between the three of us there is less than two years total experience. Worst of all, it is a telemetry unit. Beat that one! :confused:

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