Changing needles for injections...

Nurses General Nursing


I have a question about changing needles for injections.

Drawing up with one needle and then changing the needle prior to injection (IM).

There are new needle-syringe combos (Vanishpoint for example) where youdraw up and give with the same needle.

Is there any reason that you would change the needle-----and no "that's the way we've always done it" :D

I would like a solid reason one way or the either.

Thanks for your input.


Here is the link regarding VanishPoint in the brocure it states that it is triple-beveled and lubricated-the needle.


Specializes in acute rehab, med surg, LTC, peds, home c.
Agree, the rubber stopper dulls the needle. I have always changed the needle. And I too usually use a larger gauge to draw up the med. It's just easier and quicker!

Yes this is true. If you try drawing up sq heparin with a 25gauge, you will be there all day. Draw it up with an 18, bigger lumen = faster flow, and switch to the 25g.

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