Published Aug 1, 2010
1 Post
Here's my situation: I am currently an O-2 70B (Health Service Administration) serving in the Army Reserves. I am also completing my Accelerated BSN and am 1/2 way through the program. I wanted to continue my service in the Army as a nurse. I will pin on CPT 6 months prior to graduating/passing boards. I have been told by an AMEDD recruiter that if I change my AOC, I will lose my rank as a CPT and will essentially be a 2LT again. I was also told that there are no incentives if you are already an officer. Does this make sense to anyone? I really want to continue my service in the military, I am not hearing much that is going to keep me in (past my commitment) at this point. If anyone has any suggestions or can point me in the right direction please let me know! Thanks!!!
just_cause, BSN, RN
1,471 Posts
do you want to cont' as reserve or active?
have you fulfilled your obligatory period in current branch?
Do you know your branch strength? (over/under for your date of rank)
Yes the lack of new accession bonus sounds correct.. pretty much standard.
The rank is not for sure as AMED has their own ability to determine rank you might come in lower,... perhaps lower... perhaps same rank less time in grade.. that is up to them to determine. In the 'long' term aspect that doesn't make to much of a difference if you're in for the long haul - especially when you look at the high supply and low demand for nursing with all of the qualified applicants... you also have to see if your branch is going to release you....
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
Does not suprise me about the loss in rank. From what I understand when changing to AMEDD you will recieve 1/2 of your time as a officer. So you should come in as a 1LT. Once you get commisioned they are not going to pay the accession bonus even if you change services. When I changed from reserves to active the only incentitive available to me was student loan repayment.