cgfns- for new york


hello all nurses, I have a question if you can help me please. I apply for new York state for RN exam by cgfns. Today i talk to the manager about my document. He said i meet all the requirements for new York sate. so that mines are they going to approving me to take the exam when they got my document? please i need answer

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

So you did cvs and which manager did you talk to?

Hi, yes i did cvs and the manager i talk to is cgfns manager. so my question is the new York state when they reserved my document from cgfns are they going to approve me to to take rn exam? Thank you

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

CGFNS cannot make that determination. Only NY BoN can review your CVS report and make a decision

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