Published Mar 15
2 Posts
Hey all,
Im currently going through the process of applying for a NY State RN license and am applying for my Visa Screen and am just wondering If I will need to do an English Proficiency Exam even if all my education was done in Canada and in English?
hypnotizer90, BSN, RN
385 Posts
Nope. It will be waived.
Paul Tamba
1 Post
Hello all!
following this thread. What if your education is not from canada say from philippines and you're canadian do I need to get a english prof. Exam to in order for me to have my TN visa?
Okay, I found this on CGFNS website related to CGFNS Visa Screen which is needed to receive TN status.
Exemption Due to English-based Professional Education
A VisaScreen® applicant may be exempt from taking an English language proficiency examination if they have completed an English-based professional education. To be exempted, an applicant must meet both of the following two criteria:
Entry-level professional education must have occurred in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada (except Quebec), New Zealand, Ireland or the United States; AND
English must have been the language of instruction, including the language of the textbooks.