CGCC nursing program


Anyone going through the CGCC nursing program right now? has it gotten any better? Please any information will be great. I am thinking in attending there because it's the closest one to my home and I can't afford to drive to phoenix. My other option is MCC

I too want some update info on Chandler/Gilbert. Choices are coming up for Spring and they are high on my list due to east valley location and I am sure MCC will fill up quickly.

Is Chandler-Gilbert going to start accepting people in the spring? I thought they only took students in the fall...:confused:

I just saw that Chanlder/Gilbert is now offering an accelerated program. Is this through a fellowship?

Is there anyone going through the nursing program at Chandler/Gilbert? Please we need some info asap!


Hey Chechy,

Won't be of much help, other than to say I am wondering the same thing as you are. I started a similar thread several months ago and only 1 person replied...:crying2:. She did say that she had just finished block 2 and was starting block 3 in the fall, which is now almost over. Apparently, blocks 1 and 2 were great, but it was in block 3 that all the problems started and people wanting out, etc. Not sure if any of that is worked out now or not. I did list the CGCC accelerated program (new...scary!) as my 5th choice for Spring 09. Not only is it new, but if none of the issues have been worked out that would be scary.

Hopefully someone replies that has more insight. :clown:

so someone in another thread mentioned that her mom just graduated from cgcc. i asked her what she thought about this program and here is her answer...

"my mom hated the bfnp at chandler gilbert cc. almost 50% of the students didn't pass block 2 and 3. she graduated in june and i think there was 17 of them that graduated. banner pulled the program from cgcc because they had so many problems with the instructors. it wasn't a problem with the was a problem with the instructors there. some of her friends just started block 3 at gateway in the banner program and they have great things to say about it. they said it's a pleasant learning environment in comparison to chandler gilbert cc banner program. anyway, the program is pulled at no worries."

i just can't believe that they are still have problems and they are not doing anything about it!!!:down:

so someone in another thread mentioned that her mom just graduated from cgcc. i asked her what she thought about this program and here is her answer...

"my mom hated the bfnp at chandler gilbert cc. almost 50% of the students didn't pass block 2 and 3. she graduated in june and i think there was 17 of them that graduated. banner pulled the program from cgcc because they had so many problems with the instructors. it wasn't a problem with the was a problem with the instructors there. some of her friends just started block 3 at gateway in the banner program and they have great things to say about it. they said it's a pleasant learning environment in comparison to chandler gilbert cc banner program. anyway, the program is pulled at no worries."

i just can't believe that they are still have problems and they are not doing anything about it!!!:down:

wow, that is not good to hear. yeah, sound similar to the reply i got earlier this year, the instructors, particularly one, were awful. didn't know banner had pulled out. that explains the new option of the accelerated program being offered at cgcc open to everyone and not affiliated w/banner. looks like i am going in and changing my preference from cgcc to phoenix. i really wish they would get their act together and straighten things out as cgcc is the closest and most convenient for me. you would think that after nearly 2 yrs with so many complaints (see earlier threads re this subject) that cgcc would do something about it. obviously it is not just a couple of students who have a personality conflict with an instructor, it is much more widespread than that. when you are hearing the same story from the majority of the students... fix it!!!!:banghead: anyway, thanks for posting the least someone replied....ha!

Hi All,

I just attended the Banner Program meeting, they did not state that they pulled the program from CGCC. They did say that CGCC didn't committ to this past July start because of construction on a new building expected to be completed by early spring. CGCC through Banner only starts the accelerated program in July, and they are expected to begin again July 09. This info. is also in the Banner application that you receive only after attending the info. session. FYI, you will only be allowed to apply to the program if all pre-reqs are complete, including Micro (BIO 205). Also, you can only apply if you are in the Maricopa system, meaning your app for Maricopa cc's has to be on file. All of which is explained during the session. Just an extra note, I have heard that some programs are more nurturing than others, hence the issues expressed about CGCC. The students at CGCC are very open about their experiences and would be happy to discuss them. If you're ever on the williams campus just go to the ATC bldg. and ask several of them as they exit or most likely they will be sitting at the tables in the front door as you enter. Hope this helps!

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