certified coder


Specializes in MS Home Health.

One more question today and I am done drilling everyone! LOL.

How many agencies have hired certified coders? If you are still a paper based system, do you have problems with the rest of the OASIS matching the codes/diagnosis?

I am curious on the checking process other agencies have and the challenges to have certain people check those OASIS? Do you have nursing supervisors who check the OASIS before it is coded?


Specializes in Home Health.

Two agencies used coders, they were also data entry folks.

Two of them did not want nurses to do coding, in the field. One agency used a seperate page for the diagnosis question, and enlarged it, asking nurses to answer the attached copy of the question only, and leave the actial oasis blank so there weren't so many cross-outs. This seemed to work the best.

All agencies had supervisors check the diagnosis prior to coding. Sup's then could code, and coders checked for accuracy.

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Thanks for your coding/OASIS input.


Specializes in MS Home Health.

Thanks for your coding/OASIS input.


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