Published Apr 10, 2012
68 Posts
I'm a 10 year CEN ER nurse who is "looking to try something new". I've done ER from 100,000 + academic centers to 6 bed rural hospitals. I love the really sick patients and I like the intensity that their care demands. I'm thinking about moving to a different critical care environment. The problem is I'm not sure which. I've already ruled out L&D, NICU, PICU and Tele/Stepdown. I'm not interested in Cardiac Cath Lab as it's more a lateral move. I'm looking to grad school in the future so I want to stay intellectually challenged and keep my options open for even CRNA school.
i'm looking to change because I'm tired of the same old belly pain/drunks/lacerations. I really like when symptomatic overdoses come in (heroin, TCAs) and septic patients who need pressors. I get a little head rush when someone needs RSI, Levophed, central lines, and the like. I like the technical challenge of calculating drips and managing acute care.
I've been thinking about Surgical ICU, Trauma ICU, Cardiovascular ICU or one of the other ICUs. What are some of the pros and cons of SICU, CVICU and TICU?? Would a confessed adrenalin junkie find happiness in any ICU setting? Would I be better served shooting for Flight Nursing?
Your thoughts?
RN BSN CEN and others.
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
As a past ER nurse, I have found the Surgical/Trauma ICU to be a nice cross between the traditional ICU and the ER.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
As a self confessed adrenaline junkie....I found Trauma Resuscitation units of a particular liking. I also like CT PACU at large centers or transplant centers. But I have to admit.....Trauma flight/critical care transport was my all time favourite! :redbeathe