
i am a new grad and i am waiting for new grad programs to start in hospitals. I had my preceptorship in the ER and i am intrested in ER.I was wondering would it be a good idea to take a CCRN class to have something extra to get into the program. Does anybody have any advice about that and which CCRN class would be better.:typing:redbeathe

You need 1,750 working hours as a critical care nurse before you can take the CCRN certification. (See American Association of Critical Care Nurses.)

If I were you, I'd look into taking ACLS and PALS if emergency nursing is what you want to do.

Thank you so much for that advice. For the ACLS and PALS do you have to be working in ER or it doesn't matter.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency, Education, Informatics.

I'd look around to what's arroung in your community. Don't worry about the CCRN exam, but some of the education material is helpfull no matter were you area working. You are only eligable to take the CCRN exam after 1750 hours of critical care experience. Use it as part of your total education package. Companies like Med-Ed and PESI hold classes all over the country. I"d start with the gerneral medical emergency classes and then work up from there. I f you looking at ER then the CEN exam stuff would be more appropriate, but the CCRN is usefull in the ER also.

So just wait till you start working, see what your orientation is going nto be and then work it all into the total package. If you've got a plan and study as you go, you'll be better off and probably a better nurse. That being said, if a class pops up locally and you've got the time and the $$ take it.

It's fun to see new nurses with excitment. Don't let anyone let you loose the excitment.

Thanks; greatly appreciated. I just wanted to do something while i wait for the new grad programs to start.

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

If you can find a class nearby, I think the TNCC might be more beneficial for someone interested in ER. Good luck with the job hunt!

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